November 2020 Issue

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Monthly Articles

First Person Account | Fall of the Berlin Wall | Palmetto Bella

First Person Account | Fall of the Berlin Wall

My family has always had a strong connection to Germany, and later, to Berlin. As a result, I have long thought that the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, with the geopolitical changes that resulted, was the most pivotal world event of my life. Although neither had any German ancestry, my parents met in the 1930s, in Heidelberg, where they were both pursuing doctoral degrees. They returned to the United States in 1937, when Hitler’s influence was clearly on the rise. They married and started a family, and my father began his career as a college professor, but when the United States entered World War II, he

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Journalism in the Classroom | Traditions

Journalism in the Classroom | Traditions

Traditions By Kyleigh Huse and Samantha Tran What traditions does your family have? My family has many traditions but Christmas has the most for sure. My personal favorite tradition is when we get to eat Christmas dinner with the whole family and open Christmas presents. I would imagine this being a common holiday tradition, as I share this with many people. Personally this tradition is my favorite too. My plans wouldn’t change for Christmas would not change. Where I come from my grandma usually prepares Christmas dinner we all go to her house, drink hot chocolate, and open Christmas presents. Another tradition we have is baking cakes, cookies, pumpkin roll,

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What’s In Your Wallet? | Thankful for 2020? | Palmetto Bella

What’s In Your Wallet? | Thankful for 2020?

You can control both where your assets are invested and who you choose to take advice from. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It is a reminder that regardless of our circumstances, there are always things to be thankful for. One of the most profound messages that I heard two years ago was on the topic of happiness. The speaker had done years of research on the topic, and one of the consistent mainstays of happiness in the people he researched is that they had an attitude thankfulness. There are people whose wallets (or bank accounts) are filled with wealth, but they are miserable; they will gladly tell you about everything

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Baking Traditions: The Search for the Great (Can of) Pumpkin | Palmetto Bella

Baking Traditions: The Search for the Great (Can of) Pumpkin

I have had many conversations about American Thanksgiving. I have been asked many questions. “Why are we all so crazy about them?” So I’m working at a kids’ clothing store in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, and a couple walks into the shop. The man stops, sniffs the air, and puts his hand on her arm to stop her. “There’s a Starbucks. I’m going to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte and no one can stop me!” And he turns on his heels and exits as quickly as he can. “My husband,” she shrugs. “He’s American …” — her way of offering an explanation. I, with my own thick-enough American accent, say, “Don’t

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Turkey on Zoom? | Palmetto Bella

Turkey on Zoom?

No, this does not mean chasing a fast turkey, Uncle Billie-Bob… I don’t think it is worth my time to address all the cons for having to practice social distancing for your holiday traditions. For functional families, it may be very difficult to be distanced from loved ones. However, for those of us who have the courage to admit that our families are dysfunctional, our gatherings may be the best ever. First of all, within both words there is a little secret 3-letter word embedded — FUN. So why not create a new kind of fun or family tradition? Let’s examine the wisdom and actual quotes from the Centers for

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The August Bella Book Club Review | The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo | Aiken Bella Magazine

The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires – by Grady Hendrix

Bella Book Club Monthly Selection by Nichole Miller The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires, by Grady Hendrix, provides an unusual combination of classic horror and old Southern charm. Patricia Campbell is a stay-at-home mom who is trying her best to raise her teenage children and care for her senile mother-in-law. Her husband, a psychiatrist, is never home and is little help, and Patricia’s sanity is starting to run thin. After embarrassing herself at the snooty local ladies’ book club, she walks out to find some of the other members forming a new book group where she is introduced to true crime stories and a group of amazing women

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Mary Allen and Eagle Corps Services | Palmetto Bella

Mary Allen and Eagle Corps Services

I have recently had the privilege of befriending the amazing Mary Allen of Eagle Corps Services. I have known Mary for over a year and was introduced to her husband Richard and their company when they presented at a Rotary function last fall. I was very impressed with the products they offered and how they are changing safety in our community. Eagle Corps Services, LLC is a minority-owned small business owned by Richard Allen, a service disabled veteran who has over 35 years of experience leading safety, security, fire, and emergency response programs. He has successfully run large, complex security and emergency services organizations at major Department of Energy and

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Artist Spotlight | Go Figure - Artist Cheryl Elmo | Palmetto Bella

Artist Spotlight | Go Figure – Artist Cheryl Elmo

The artwork of Cheryl Elmo captures the human experience through the simplicity of everyday moments. Go Figure is a collection of Cheryl’s artwork that focuses on human connections, capturing something special in an otherwise ordinary moment in time. These everyday moments made special will be featured in the main gallery of the Aiken Center for the Arts through November 30. Come and immerse yourself in the different perspectives awaiting you in this thoughtful exhibition. Cheryl first picked up a paintbrush when she was 6 or 7 years old, and she has been painting ever since. She tried many other mediums but always came back to watercolors. She loves to see

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Overcoming Adversity | An Interview with Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon | Palmetto Bella

Overcoming Adversity | An Interview with Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon

It has been a privilege to hold the position as Mayor of Aiken for five years now. Has it been challenging? Absolutely, especially due to COVID-19 affecting our world, our country, our state, and our city. But through adversity come self-evaluation and reflection, which lead to innovation, new ideas, efficiencies, productivity, and opportunities to achieve success. Whether a small business, a large manufacturer, or a city, I want you to know — you will be better, stronger, more profitable, and able to reach and help more people because of the challenges we are currently facing. When Team Bella recently asked me about why I love what I do, I immediately

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