Summer Reads
Restless Morning
My daughter, Laura, left in early January this year to fly to Seattle to take a new job. It was...
Read moreBe The Change
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are found in the world of our...
Read moreThe Story of…Looking Back…Living Forward
I remember dog Sophie was full-grown but still quite young at the time. Sophie was of mixed heritage, carrying the...
BLESSING BOX DEDICATION AND RIBBON CUTTING August 21, 2019 Aiken Technical College
Read moreSummer Reads
Retirement Has Changed | It Isn’t What It Used To Be!
Most of our parents started working around age 20 and retired when they were 65. Because life expectancy was shorter,...
Read moreThe Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell
The August Bella Book Club Review by Nichole Miller Samuel Hill was teased and bullied as a child due to...
Read moreThe Honey Chile’ Sistergirl Playlist for Getting Your Life Together
This is one of those stories that should start with “OMG, so I was …” I was in the shower...
Read moreBella Book Host: Changing Ways We Consume Literature
As I have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of Audible. As a mom of two dancers, I spend...
Read moreFrom The Authors

Retirement Has Changed | It Isn’t What It Used To Be!
Most of our parents started working around age 20 and retired when they were 65. Because life expectancy was shorter, the average retirement typically lasted about 10 years. That means people often had about 45 years to prepare for 10 years of retirement. With medical advancements and healthier lifestyles, people are living longer. This means you may enjoy 20 or 30 years or more in retirement. Back then, retirees counted on Social Security and company pensions. As a result, individuals didn’t need as much in personal savings. Today, Social Security can’t cover most retirees’ primary expenses, and Social Security faces an uncertain future. Fewer companies offer pension plans; rather they

Changes In Real Estate
As a listing agent, my job is to address all those questions and make sure they have a full understanding of what to expect before their home hits the market. Many of you might remember Kelvin Jenkins from earlier this year — he was our Bella Fella in February, 2020. We heard “A tale about hard work and love, great family, and best friends.” If you missed it, be sure to visit for “La ballade de Kelvin Jenkins,” written by Matthew Wynn. Kelvin, who represents Keller Williams, went live this year with his own team, Southbound Residential Group. He will be contributing a monthly “Home” column to provide advice

Overcoming Adversity | An Interview with Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon
It has been a privilege to hold the position as Mayor of Aiken for five years now. Has it been challenging? Absolutely, especially due to COVID-19 affecting our world, our country, our state, and our city. But through adversity come self-evaluation and reflection, which lead to innovation, new ideas, efficiencies, productivity, and opportunities to achieve success. Whether a small business, a large manufacturer, or a city, I want you to know — you will be better, stronger, more profitable, and able to reach and help more people because of the challenges we are currently facing. When Team Bella recently asked me about why I love what I do, I immediately