Zoom H. Heaton

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Do you often feel bloated, constipated, have heartburn, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), gas, diarrhea, or have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or IBD (irritable bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis)? These symptoms are manifestations of poor gut health. Hippocrates stated over 2000 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut.” We are now beginning to understand how right he was in his assessment. More than 100 million Americans have digestive issues. Two of the top five selling drugs in America are for digestive problems and they’re costing us billions of dollars. Let’s look at our gut a little closer to learn how to help ourselves get well again. THE GUT

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The Benefits of Testosterone for Women Beyond Libido | Aiken Bella Magazine

The Benefits of Testosterone for Women Beyond Libido

Are you over the age of 35 and feeling run down and weak, gaining weight more easily, having brain fog, moodiness, and have absolutely no interest in sex? Low testosterone may be the culprit. Testosterone deficiency is often ignored or overlooked in women because it is generally considered a male hormone. Daniel Amen, a leading expert in brain health, points out that
 20 percent of women have low testosterone. Unfortunately, these numbers reflect the number of people who have gone to the doctor and are experiencing symptoms. Chances are, many more women have testosterone levels out of balance and you may be one of them. What is Testosterone? Testosterone is

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What is a LEAKY GUT and how is your HEALTH affected by it? | Aiken Bella Magazine

What is a LEAKY GUT and how is your HEALTH affected by it?

The holidays are upon us and most of us enjoy the multitude of festivities, lavish parties, getting together with our friends and family and most of all we LOVE LOVE the decadent food and beverages that bewitch us at these occasions. e problem is years of decadent behavior and self- indulgence combined with environmental toxins and food products laden with steroids and pesticides have slowed our bodies down and created a host of health issues that most of us are unaware of. Leaky Gut Syndrome is very common in this day and age. It is the cause of much of our modern autoimmune diseases, such as: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia

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How to Build Bone Density Naturally | Aiken Bella Magazine

How to Build Bone Density Naturally

Osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones become fragile and fracture easily, affects 25 million Americans. Worldwide, one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will experience an osteoporosis-related bone fracture; 20 percent of those who break a hip die in the first 12 months following the fracture. We start losing bone density in our early 30s. As we age, our bone density declines since the rate of bone breakdown exceeds the rate of bone building. Osteoporosis is often thought of as a calcium deficiency disease. However, this is not really true. The reality is we get plenty of calcium in our diet and

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Should We Be Without Hormones During Perimenopause and Menopause? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Should We Be Without Hormones During Perimenopause and Menopause?

Many women ask me if hormone replacement is right for them. It is not a simple answer since each and every woman is different and unique in her chemical makeup, genetics, lifestyle, and what she defines as healthy. Because each woman is an individual, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t get results and often frustrates the patient. Just as the body’s vitamins and minerals decline with age, the organs in women and men alike produce hormones that decline with age. Hormone replacement may not be for everyone, but it is important to understand the value of hormones in body functions and how our health declines without them. Unlike vitamins, minerals and enzymes

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Are Hormonal Changes Sabotaging Your Skin? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Are Hormonal Changes Sabotaging Your Skin?

We all crave beautiful, clean, youthful looking skin, forever if possible. Well, as most of you know by now that beautiful skin takes WORK! We are made up of chemical messengers called hormones, and as we go through our metamorphoses in this life, changes in the balance of these hormones wreak havoc on our skin. Yes, there are other factors like diet (high carbohydrate diet), stress, food allergies, poor hygiene, environmental toxins, smoking, and sun damage that contribute to skin problems. However, these other factors somehow directly or indirectly influence our hormones. In our teenage years, there is a sharp increase in androgen hormones like testosterone. is hormone predominantly exists

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There Is Help when Intimacy Hurts | Aiken Bella Magazine

There Is Help when Intimacy Hurts

Did you know that intimate dryness and pain upon intercourse is a more common problem for women than yeast or bladder infections?  Four out of five women are living with uncomfortable itching, irritation, and “vaginal atrophy,” which is the thinning and inflammation of vaginal tissue caused by too little natural lubrication.  That lack of moisture happens when a woman’s estrogen levels fall too low. Although there are many causes for decreased estrogen and the feminine dryness that inevitably follows, menopause is the most common cause.  During peri-menopause (years when a woman’s period become irregular) and definitely after menopause (when a woman has not had a period for 12 consecutive months),

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Could Hormones Be the Cause of Your Chronic Yeast Infections? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Could Hormones Be the Cause of Your Chronic Yeast Infections?

Are you having recurring yeast infections and wonder why? Are you tired of having to refill your ongoing anti-fungal medications? Your hormone imbalance could be a potential problem. We all carry the fungal strain called Candida albicans in our bodies. If we have healthy immune and digestive systems, these strains are kept at bay and they don’t wreak havoc on our health. However, when the conditions are favorable, these opportunistic microorganisms like to party in big numbers, so any chance it gets, this hardy yeast will multiply and make us miserable! Some signs of Candida include: constantly craving sugar or carbohydrates; bloating/flatulence; stomach cramps; acid reflux; hives; acne; bad breath;

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Are Your Prescription Medications Robbing You of Vital Nutrients? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Are Your Prescription Medications Robbing You of Vital Nutrients?

It seems that everyone is taking prescription drugs for something these days: medications for acid reflux, pain, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, sleep, birth control, just to name a few. The use of prescription drugs is extremely prevalent in North America and in most of the Western developed world. The Mayo Clinic presented a study in 2013 that showed that nearly seven out of 10 Americans take prescription drugs. More than half take two drugs. Senior citizens 65 and older take an average of 14 or more prescription drugs per year. The more drugs taken, the greater the risk of negative side effects and nutrient

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woman smile

Is There A Connection Between Hormone Imbalance And Inflammation?

In my line of work I hear complaints about inflammation and pain all day long. I’ve had many women come in complaining of spontaneous joint pain and body aches they’ve not experienced before and how debilitating it can be. Many are on prescription drugs and others try alternative therapies to help alleviate the inflammatory process thus reducing the pain. Exactly how biochemical processes cause chronic inflammation is not yet fully understood, but we do know that women and older people suffer more inflammatory illnesses. Let’s explore how hormonal imbalance may lead to chronic inflammation and disease. First of all, inflammation is classically defined as a protective reaction by the body

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Do you often feel bloated, constipated, have heartburn, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), gas, diarrhea, or have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or IBD (irritable bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis)? These symptoms are manifestations of poor gut health. Hippocrates stated over 2000 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut.” We are now beginning to understand how right he was in his assessment. More than 100 million Americans have digestive issues. Two of the top five selling drugs in America are for digestive problems and they’re costing us billions of dollars. Let’s look at our gut a little closer to learn how to help ourselves get well again. THE GUT

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The Benefits of Testosterone for Women Beyond Libido | Aiken Bella Magazine

The Benefits of Testosterone for Women Beyond Libido

Are you over the age of 35 and feeling run down and weak, gaining weight more easily, having brain fog, moodiness, and have absolutely no interest in sex? Low testosterone may be the culprit. Testosterone deficiency is often ignored or overlooked in women because it is generally considered a male hormone. Daniel Amen, a leading expert in brain health, points out that
 20 percent of women have low testosterone. Unfortunately, these numbers reflect the number of people who have gone to the doctor and are experiencing symptoms. Chances are, many more women have testosterone levels out of balance and you may be one of them. What is Testosterone? Testosterone is

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What is a LEAKY GUT and how is your HEALTH affected by it? | Aiken Bella Magazine

What is a LEAKY GUT and how is your HEALTH affected by it?

The holidays are upon us and most of us enjoy the multitude of festivities, lavish parties, getting together with our friends and family and most of all we LOVE LOVE the decadent food and beverages that bewitch us at these occasions. e problem is years of decadent behavior and self- indulgence combined with environmental toxins and food products laden with steroids and pesticides have slowed our bodies down and created a host of health issues that most of us are unaware of. Leaky Gut Syndrome is very common in this day and age. It is the cause of much of our modern autoimmune diseases, such as: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia

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How to Build Bone Density Naturally | Aiken Bella Magazine

How to Build Bone Density Naturally

Osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones become fragile and fracture easily, affects 25 million Americans. Worldwide, one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will experience an osteoporosis-related bone fracture; 20 percent of those who break a hip die in the first 12 months following the fracture. We start losing bone density in our early 30s. As we age, our bone density declines since the rate of bone breakdown exceeds the rate of bone building. Osteoporosis is often thought of as a calcium deficiency disease. However, this is not really true. The reality is we get plenty of calcium in our diet and

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Should We Be Without Hormones During Perimenopause and Menopause? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Should We Be Without Hormones During Perimenopause and Menopause?

Many women ask me if hormone replacement is right for them. It is not a simple answer since each and every woman is different and unique in her chemical makeup, genetics, lifestyle, and what she defines as healthy. Because each woman is an individual, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t get results and often frustrates the patient. Just as the body’s vitamins and minerals decline with age, the organs in women and men alike produce hormones that decline with age. Hormone replacement may not be for everyone, but it is important to understand the value of hormones in body functions and how our health declines without them. Unlike vitamins, minerals and enzymes

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Are Hormonal Changes Sabotaging Your Skin? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Are Hormonal Changes Sabotaging Your Skin?

We all crave beautiful, clean, youthful looking skin, forever if possible. Well, as most of you know by now that beautiful skin takes WORK! We are made up of chemical messengers called hormones, and as we go through our metamorphoses in this life, changes in the balance of these hormones wreak havoc on our skin. Yes, there are other factors like diet (high carbohydrate diet), stress, food allergies, poor hygiene, environmental toxins, smoking, and sun damage that contribute to skin problems. However, these other factors somehow directly or indirectly influence our hormones. In our teenage years, there is a sharp increase in androgen hormones like testosterone. is hormone predominantly exists

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There Is Help when Intimacy Hurts | Aiken Bella Magazine

There Is Help when Intimacy Hurts

Did you know that intimate dryness and pain upon intercourse is a more common problem for women than yeast or bladder infections?  Four out of five women are living with uncomfortable itching, irritation, and “vaginal atrophy,” which is the thinning and inflammation of vaginal tissue caused by too little natural lubrication.  That lack of moisture happens when a woman’s estrogen levels fall too low. Although there are many causes for decreased estrogen and the feminine dryness that inevitably follows, menopause is the most common cause.  During peri-menopause (years when a woman’s period become irregular) and definitely after menopause (when a woman has not had a period for 12 consecutive months),

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Could Hormones Be the Cause of Your Chronic Yeast Infections? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Could Hormones Be the Cause of Your Chronic Yeast Infections?

Are you having recurring yeast infections and wonder why? Are you tired of having to refill your ongoing anti-fungal medications? Your hormone imbalance could be a potential problem. We all carry the fungal strain called Candida albicans in our bodies. If we have healthy immune and digestive systems, these strains are kept at bay and they don’t wreak havoc on our health. However, when the conditions are favorable, these opportunistic microorganisms like to party in big numbers, so any chance it gets, this hardy yeast will multiply and make us miserable! Some signs of Candida include: constantly craving sugar or carbohydrates; bloating/flatulence; stomach cramps; acid reflux; hives; acne; bad breath;

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Are Your Prescription Medications Robbing You of Vital Nutrients? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Are Your Prescription Medications Robbing You of Vital Nutrients?

It seems that everyone is taking prescription drugs for something these days: medications for acid reflux, pain, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, sleep, birth control, just to name a few. The use of prescription drugs is extremely prevalent in North America and in most of the Western developed world. The Mayo Clinic presented a study in 2013 that showed that nearly seven out of 10 Americans take prescription drugs. More than half take two drugs. Senior citizens 65 and older take an average of 14 or more prescription drugs per year. The more drugs taken, the greater the risk of negative side effects and nutrient

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woman smile

Is There A Connection Between Hormone Imbalance And Inflammation?

In my line of work I hear complaints about inflammation and pain all day long. I’ve had many women come in complaining of spontaneous joint pain and body aches they’ve not experienced before and how debilitating it can be. Many are on prescription drugs and others try alternative therapies to help alleviate the inflammatory process thus reducing the pain. Exactly how biochemical processes cause chronic inflammation is not yet fully understood, but we do know that women and older people suffer more inflammatory illnesses. Let’s explore how hormonal imbalance may lead to chronic inflammation and disease. First of all, inflammation is classically defined as a protective reaction by the body

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