Zoom H. Heaton

Latest Author Features

Back to Health | Aiken Bella Magazine

Back to Health

It’s that time again! Back to school means back to reality, and for most of us that means trying to get back into a more healthy routine. After the lazy days of summer enjoying our family and friends on vacations, eating what we want and when we want; drinking a little more than we should; forgoing exercise since after all, we are on vacation, it’s time to get our health back with a routine that fits our body, mind, and spirit. Our kids or grandkids have gotten all their medical checkups and vaccinations for school. They’re ready for the school year medically. But are we? We all have health goals.

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When CBD Is Not Enough by Zoom Heaton RPh., CDE, ABAAHP, CN

When CBD Is Not Enough by Zoom Heaton [pdf-embedder url=”https://southernbellamag.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/TLC-logo_2015.pdf” title=”TLC logo_2015″] Good Sense Medicine CBD is the rave these days.  Everyone is using it and if you haven’t, you’re thinking about it.  It is touted to help in a broad spectrum of medical ailments from pain, anxiety, mood disorders, and sleep to seizures, cancer, and autoimmune diseases like Parkinson’s and Crohn’s.  Everyone is looking for relief from health ailments, and CBD appears to be the magic bullet.  Do not be fooled; there is NO magic bullet!  It is a piece in the puzzle of health that can help, but it is not the cure-all for anything and everything that

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Could Hormonal Imbalance Be the Cause of Your Anxiety?

Alice, a 49-year-old teacher and mother of two came into my office complaining of increased anxiety over the past few years which has progressed to occasional panic attacks, ultimately resulting in her inability to focus at work. She has been prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications by her doctor to help her to take the “edge” off in order for her to focus on work and daily tasks. Unfortunately these medications do not come without side effects and her weight soared 20 pounds over the past few years, adding to her anxiety and stress. Alice has also been going through the “change” in the past few years with irregular cycles and

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Ladies, do you find yourself having reoccurring urinary tract infections or bladder irritation? Are there close calls when it comes to getting to the bathroom on time? If you are peri (before) or post (after) menopausal, it could be due to a decline in your hormones, particularly estrogen. These are common symptoms associated with declining levels of estrogen. As estrogen declines, the bladder lining becomes very thin and prone to irritation and infection. There may also be burning pain on urinating and difficulty in holding back urine. Estrogen is responsible for maintaining the lining of the bladder and promoting its blood supply and nutrition. Prior pelvic floor injury from multiple

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WEIGHT LOSS | Aiken Bella House

A Sensible Approach to Weight Loss

Are you working out more than you ever have before and eating less and less and still can’t lose those unwanted pounds? Do you feel like you’ve been on every diet out there and your weight keeps fluctuating? Do you find yourself frustrated, depressed, and maybe even angry? Weight loss is not simply reducing caloric intake and increasing activity level. This is because weight gain is a symptom of something not working properly in the body. The body is composed of various systems that influence our ability to burn or store fat and when these systems are out of balance, weight gain creeps up and taking off the weight becomes

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Do you have anxiety and are prone to panic attacks? Do you have trouble sleeping, muscle weakness, depression, memory loss, fatigue, inability to lose weight, hair loss, weak immune system, brittle nails, heart and blood pressure irregularities, sexual dysfunction? These are a few of the symptoms and conditions associated with micronutrient deficiency. We try eating ‘right’ in a GMO world and we all think that we’re doing the right thing by taking the supplements that have been recommended to us from well-meaning sources like Dr. Oz, the Doctors, and a plethora of Internet sources but we still have symptoms that continue to vex us and wonder what we’re doing wrong.

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Estrogen Mimickers-Helping or Hurting? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Estrogen Mimickers-Helping or Hurting?

Have you experienced hormonal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, or not being able to fall or stay asleep? Have you been advised to try herbal remedies and/or eat more foods that are rich in estrogens? Have you noticed that these products or foods may help somewhat for the short term, but then they stop working after awhile, and you’re in worse shape than you were in before you started? Using these estrogen mimicker products/foods can have dire consequences to our bodies. ESTROGEN Estrogen is a vital hormone required for pregnancy, growth, and development. This vital hormone is naturally occurring in both men and women. However, it’s best known

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What is the Hormone DHEA and Is it Right for You? | Aiken Bella Magazine

What is the Hormone DHEA and Is it Right for You?

Are you exhausted all the time and feeling depressed more often than not?  Are you starting to see added fluff around your belly and you haven’t done anything differently?  Are you developing more aching joints and getting sick more easily?  Is your sex life almost nonexistent because the urge just isn’t there anymore?  If you’ve said yes to any of these questions, you have low DHEA and need some support. Definition DHEA has been linked to athletes “doping” with steroids and has seen labels from “fountain of youth drug” to fraud. The very real benefits of DHEA, particularly for women, got a little lost in all the controversy. Let’s begin

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We’ve all been there before – the gaining and losing of weight, chasing any fad diet that promises quick results with minimal effort. We lose the weight but it comes back with a vengeance. Have you ever wondered why this happens? These fad “quick fixes” may produce some weight loss but what our body goes through – changes in our body chemistry and the reconditioning of our fat burning capacity – makes it almost impossible to keep weight off. There is new science behind yo-yo dieting and why it keeps us fat. Yo-Yo Dieting Defined Yo-yo dieting (also known as weight cycling) is the loss and subsequent regaining of weight

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How Does Progesterone Help with Weight Loss? | Aiken Bella Magazine

How Does Progesterone Help with Weight Loss?

One of the most common complaints I hear from women is how frustrating it is to lose weight, especially between the ages of 45 and 55. Stress is partly to blame, and environmental factors contribute, along with lack of exercise and overeating. However, many people are unaware that when certain hormones vital to our body’s homeostasis are deficient or not well-balanced with other hormones, this imbalance can create a halt in our weight loss efforts. No matter how hard we exercise or how little we eat, the needle on that bathroom scale just won’t budge! Progesterone is one of the vital hormones that have to be replenished and well balanced

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Back to Health | Aiken Bella Magazine

Back to Health

It’s that time again! Back to school means back to reality, and for most of us that means trying to get back into a more healthy routine. After the lazy days of summer enjoying our family and friends on vacations, eating what we want and when we want; drinking a little more than we should; forgoing exercise since after all, we are on vacation, it’s time to get our health back with a routine that fits our body, mind, and spirit. Our kids or grandkids have gotten all their medical checkups and vaccinations for school. They’re ready for the school year medically. But are we? We all have health goals.

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When CBD Is Not Enough by Zoom Heaton RPh., CDE, ABAAHP, CN

When CBD Is Not Enough by Zoom Heaton [pdf-embedder url=”https://southernbellamag.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/TLC-logo_2015.pdf” title=”TLC logo_2015″] Good Sense Medicine CBD is the rave these days.  Everyone is using it and if you haven’t, you’re thinking about it.  It is touted to help in a broad spectrum of medical ailments from pain, anxiety, mood disorders, and sleep to seizures, cancer, and autoimmune diseases like Parkinson’s and Crohn’s.  Everyone is looking for relief from health ailments, and CBD appears to be the magic bullet.  Do not be fooled; there is NO magic bullet!  It is a piece in the puzzle of health that can help, but it is not the cure-all for anything and everything that

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Could Hormonal Imbalance Be the Cause of Your Anxiety?

Alice, a 49-year-old teacher and mother of two came into my office complaining of increased anxiety over the past few years which has progressed to occasional panic attacks, ultimately resulting in her inability to focus at work. She has been prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications by her doctor to help her to take the “edge” off in order for her to focus on work and daily tasks. Unfortunately these medications do not come without side effects and her weight soared 20 pounds over the past few years, adding to her anxiety and stress. Alice has also been going through the “change” in the past few years with irregular cycles and

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Ladies, do you find yourself having reoccurring urinary tract infections or bladder irritation? Are there close calls when it comes to getting to the bathroom on time? If you are peri (before) or post (after) menopausal, it could be due to a decline in your hormones, particularly estrogen. These are common symptoms associated with declining levels of estrogen. As estrogen declines, the bladder lining becomes very thin and prone to irritation and infection. There may also be burning pain on urinating and difficulty in holding back urine. Estrogen is responsible for maintaining the lining of the bladder and promoting its blood supply and nutrition. Prior pelvic floor injury from multiple

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WEIGHT LOSS | Aiken Bella House

A Sensible Approach to Weight Loss

Are you working out more than you ever have before and eating less and less and still can’t lose those unwanted pounds? Do you feel like you’ve been on every diet out there and your weight keeps fluctuating? Do you find yourself frustrated, depressed, and maybe even angry? Weight loss is not simply reducing caloric intake and increasing activity level. This is because weight gain is a symptom of something not working properly in the body. The body is composed of various systems that influence our ability to burn or store fat and when these systems are out of balance, weight gain creeps up and taking off the weight becomes

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Do you have anxiety and are prone to panic attacks? Do you have trouble sleeping, muscle weakness, depression, memory loss, fatigue, inability to lose weight, hair loss, weak immune system, brittle nails, heart and blood pressure irregularities, sexual dysfunction? These are a few of the symptoms and conditions associated with micronutrient deficiency. We try eating ‘right’ in a GMO world and we all think that we’re doing the right thing by taking the supplements that have been recommended to us from well-meaning sources like Dr. Oz, the Doctors, and a plethora of Internet sources but we still have symptoms that continue to vex us and wonder what we’re doing wrong.

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Estrogen Mimickers-Helping or Hurting? | Aiken Bella Magazine

Estrogen Mimickers-Helping or Hurting?

Have you experienced hormonal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, or not being able to fall or stay asleep? Have you been advised to try herbal remedies and/or eat more foods that are rich in estrogens? Have you noticed that these products or foods may help somewhat for the short term, but then they stop working after awhile, and you’re in worse shape than you were in before you started? Using these estrogen mimicker products/foods can have dire consequences to our bodies. ESTROGEN Estrogen is a vital hormone required for pregnancy, growth, and development. This vital hormone is naturally occurring in both men and women. However, it’s best known

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What is the Hormone DHEA and Is it Right for You? | Aiken Bella Magazine

What is the Hormone DHEA and Is it Right for You?

Are you exhausted all the time and feeling depressed more often than not?  Are you starting to see added fluff around your belly and you haven’t done anything differently?  Are you developing more aching joints and getting sick more easily?  Is your sex life almost nonexistent because the urge just isn’t there anymore?  If you’ve said yes to any of these questions, you have low DHEA and need some support. Definition DHEA has been linked to athletes “doping” with steroids and has seen labels from “fountain of youth drug” to fraud. The very real benefits of DHEA, particularly for women, got a little lost in all the controversy. Let’s begin

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We’ve all been there before – the gaining and losing of weight, chasing any fad diet that promises quick results with minimal effort. We lose the weight but it comes back with a vengeance. Have you ever wondered why this happens? These fad “quick fixes” may produce some weight loss but what our body goes through – changes in our body chemistry and the reconditioning of our fat burning capacity – makes it almost impossible to keep weight off. There is new science behind yo-yo dieting and why it keeps us fat. Yo-Yo Dieting Defined Yo-yo dieting (also known as weight cycling) is the loss and subsequent regaining of weight

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How Does Progesterone Help with Weight Loss? | Aiken Bella Magazine

How Does Progesterone Help with Weight Loss?

One of the most common complaints I hear from women is how frustrating it is to lose weight, especially between the ages of 45 and 55. Stress is partly to blame, and environmental factors contribute, along with lack of exercise and overeating. However, many people are unaware that when certain hormones vital to our body’s homeostasis are deficient or not well-balanced with other hormones, this imbalance can create a halt in our weight loss efforts. No matter how hard we exercise or how little we eat, the needle on that bathroom scale just won’t budge! Progesterone is one of the vital hormones that have to be replenished and well balanced

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