Patrick Gelinas

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The Low-Intensity Fat-Burning Myth | Palmetto Bella

The Low-Intensity Fat-Burning Myth

For years, exercisers have been fed a misleading message regarding the best exercise intensity for burning fat. In a nutshell, it goes like this: if you want to burn more fat, you need to work out at a lower, more aerobic intensity, as opposed to higher intensities where you breathe more heavily. Exercisers are reminded of these recommendations every time they step onto a treadmill, elliptical trainer, exercise bike, or stair stepper, as there is usually a chart on the console display indicating the ideal fat-burning zone, typically expressed as a percentage of maximum heart rate or VO2 max, a popular and widely-accepted measure of aerobic fitness. Let’s face it

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Online Personal Fitness Coaching: Can It Work for You? | Palmetto Bella

Online Personal Fitness Coaching: Can It Work for You?

Almost out of nowhere, COVID-19 happened upon us and the world has had to learn to pivot. Fast. And here we are, a year later, continuing to learn how to embrace a number of lifestyle modifications. Home-based fitness regimens have become a viable, if not a necessary, option.  Many people claim that having a gym membership keeps them accountable for working out once they have committed to sign-up fees and membership dues.  And some folks feel that having a workout destination motivates them to get out the door.  These are, of course, fair and valid reasons.  But times are changing, and many individuals are reconsidering how to navigate the fitness

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The Low-Intensity Fat-Burning Myth | Palmetto Bella

The Low-Intensity Fat-Burning Myth

For years, exercisers have been fed a misleading message regarding the best exercise intensity for burning fat. In a nutshell, it goes like this: if you want to burn more fat, you need to work out at a lower, more aerobic intensity, as opposed to higher intensities where you breathe more heavily. Exercisers are reminded of these recommendations every time they step onto a treadmill, elliptical trainer, exercise bike, or stair stepper, as there is usually a chart on the console display indicating the ideal fat-burning zone, typically expressed as a percentage of maximum heart rate or VO2 max, a popular and widely-accepted measure of aerobic fitness. Let’s face it

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Online Personal Fitness Coaching: Can It Work for You? | Palmetto Bella

Online Personal Fitness Coaching: Can It Work for You?

Almost out of nowhere, COVID-19 happened upon us and the world has had to learn to pivot. Fast. And here we are, a year later, continuing to learn how to embrace a number of lifestyle modifications. Home-based fitness regimens have become a viable, if not a necessary, option.  Many people claim that having a gym membership keeps them accountable for working out once they have committed to sign-up fees and membership dues.  And some folks feel that having a workout destination motivates them to get out the door.  These are, of course, fair and valid reasons.  But times are changing, and many individuals are reconsidering how to navigate the fitness

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