- Do not put out the new calendar before New Year’s Day
- Open the door at midnight New Year’s Eve so the old year can go out
- Get rid of any old regrets or revenge or debts
- Wear something red on New Year’s Day for good luck and happiness
- Give some of your good clothing to the poor
- Forgive everyone for everything

The Grandma Mystique
What is it? This Grandma Thing? I’d heard other women talk about how amazing it was to be a grandmother, and, when they talked about their grandchildren, they seemed completely, almost embarrassingly, smitten. I really didn’t think that would happen to me — until it did. But, how? Why? For one thing, grandmahood is the ultimate do-over. Even the best parents are only operating by trial and error, and the errors, unfortunately, have really loud voices. By the time we’re grandparents, however, we’ve garnered a bit of wisdom and perhaps some confidence as well. We see that, despite our many flaws and failures, we’ve managed to raise law-abiding citizens who