Should You Eat Healthy While on Vacation?

Many more people will be traveling this summer than last, thanks to the lifting of COVID restrictions. Vacations are times when we want to relax and enjoy ourselves, escaping the routines of daily life.  For some, this escape also means changing the normal eating patterns, especially for those going on a cruise or to an all-inclusive resort. The 5 – 10 pound weight gain during a cruise is, unfortunately, usually a reality.  Even if your vacation is not a cruise, how should you think about eating while on vacation? 

Are You an Abstainer or a Moderator?

The author Gretchen Rubin has suggested that people are either abstainers or moderators when it comes to their food habits.  Moderators are those who find it easy to eat a small amount of a favorite dessert or snack food.  Moderators can purchase a large dark chocolate bar, eat one square after lunch, and then put the rest of the bar up until the next day.  Abstainers, on the other hand, will finish the whole bar in one sitting if chocolate is their greatest temptation.  Abstainers do best if they avoid particular foods entirely. 

I am mostly a moderator, but I have a few weaknesses, including York Peppermint Patties.  As I mentioned in a previous month’s column, I ate way too many of them at a time when we purchased a large container a few months ago.  From then on, I abstain from York Peppermint Patties! 

To determine whether you are an abstainer or a moderator, think about your eating habits at a buffet restaurant.  If it is easy for you to go through the line and choose small servings of only your favorite foods, you are probably a moderator.  One the other hand, if you take two plates and pile them to overflowing with some of every item on the buffet, you are probably not a moderator.  As you plan your vacation meals, either avoid buffets or think carefully in advance to plan what you will eat there.  If you are not naturally a moderator when it comes to eating, avoid the “get your money’s worth” mentality at restaurants. 

Do You Have any Chronic Health Conditions?

My husband is the picture of good health.  He enjoys a normal body weight and loves to exercise.  He can eat almost any type of food and feel great afterwards.  He naturally moderates the amount of food he eats and does not have any chronic health conditions.  I, unfortunately, have many different food allergies and sensitivities.  I always have to be alert about the foods that I choose and the hidden ingredients that may be in them.  Because of my allergies, there are certain foods I can never eat. 

If you have diabetes, heart disease, or allergies, as I do, you likely need to eat as healthy on vacation as you do when you are at home.  Healthy eating needs to be your lifestyle at all times.  If your condition is complex or you are unsure what is best to eat, I encourage you to see a nutritionist for further guidance. 

Choose Your Treats Wisely.

“But I’m on vacation.  I need to treat myself!”  This phrase is often heard from people going on vacation. I agree that this may be true, but to avoid unwanted weight gain or other adverse health consequences, you should choose your treats wisely. 

One of my favorite places at Hilton Head is The G-Free Spot.  This bakery specializes in gluten-free items.  They have freshly baked muffins, cakes, pies, cookies, cupcakes, and other tasty sweets.  I treat myself to one or two cupcakes when we go there.  I do not normally consume sugary desserts, so this occasional indulgence is very enjoyable. 

Investigate whether there are any food specialties available in your chosen vacation spot.  If so, this may be something you can treat yourself to guilt-free. 

Pay Cash for Your Food.

Did you know that many fast-food restaurants put in credit card machines because they found customers spent 11% more when paying by card than when they pay with cash? Researchers have also found that people are more likely to buy more unhealthy foods when using credit cards than when using cash. 

One tactic to healthier eating while on vacation is to plan your food budget for the trip.  Then take the cash you need out of the bank instead of putting all of your food on a credit card.  You are more likely to eat a smaller amount of healthy food when you pay cash for it. 

If you follow these suggestions on your next vacation, you should have a wonderful time, enjoy your food, and avoid returning home with extra poundage on your body! 

Picture of Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock’s eclectic background includes degrees in vocal performance, finance and nutrition. She worked as the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at USC Aiken for 25 years before beginning her nutrition career. Her writing has appeared online at, in addition to a monthly nutrition column for Aiken’s Bella Magazine. You can read more of Ginger’s articles about food, nutrition, faith and personal finance at her blog
Picture of Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock’s eclectic background includes degrees in vocal performance, finance and nutrition. She worked as the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at USC Aiken for 25 years before beginning her nutrition career. Her writing has appeared online at, in addition to a monthly nutrition column for Aiken’s Bella Magazine. You can read more of Ginger’s articles about food, nutrition, faith and personal finance at her blog

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