“And if what they say is true — if every great painting is really a self-portrait — what, if anything, is James Andre saying about himself?” Explore his works and discover just that. He has a unique way about him, and his art is no different. Drawing from inner as well as outer inspiration, he connects to each piece. James invests heart and soul into his work, where energy and color are brought together to convey something more. View attentively, and listen closely — Andre’s brush speaks the language of movement, the energy of life. Lean in.

And why, you may ask, is this man consigned to drinking his coffee under the breakfast table? He is a college professor, faithful husband, Navy officer, survivor of the sinking of the Block Island during World War II, family man, father of 3, and gentleman farmer. And the latter is how he ended up in the Warren substitute for a doghouse. You see, the Warrens at that time had a barn and a pony but no fenced paddock. Early every morning, my father would lead the pony out of the barn, up the driveway, past the house, and out to the front lawn. There he would tether the pony for