“And if what they say is true — if every great painting is really a self-portrait — what, if anything, is James Andre saying about himself?” Explore his works and discover just that. He has a unique way about him, and his art is no different. Drawing from inner as well as outer inspiration, he connects to each piece. James invests heart and soul into his work, where energy and color are brought together to convey something more. View attentively, and listen closely — Andre’s brush speaks the language of movement, the energy of life. Lean in.

“Going … Going … Gone” | Animal Preservation Through Fine Art
Robert Campbell, Whitney Kurlan, and Camryn Finnan are the featured artists at the upcoming exhibit at the Aiken Center for the Arts. Each artist is well known for wildlife conservation efforts. These artists depict animals as they are rarely seen — in their natural African habitats. “Going … Going … Gone” is the title of the show as well as a not so subtle reminder that many animals are in danger of extinction. This exhibit is intended to bring awareness to the public and to support the efforts of wildlife conservation organizations. It opens February 4 and extends through March 19, 2021. Artist Robert Campbell has created work for the