Alfresco is the Way to Go

It is always a temptation to get out of the kitchen on a sunny day. The first time I recall dining outdoors at a restaurant was at a location by the Río de la Plata in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My family had moved there in 1973 so that my dad could manage a project for General Motors. We were wined and dined (yes, even I, at the tender age of sixteen, was served wine) at wonderful places throughout the historic city. The padillas are grills located mainly in the Palermo neighborhood, near the sports arenas. The smoky aroma of barbecued meats wafted along the sidewalks. When we walked into what I remember being called a casita, or little house, there was an open fire […]
Should You Eat Healthy While on Vacation?

Many more people will be traveling this summer than last, thanks to the lifting of COVID restrictions. Vacations are times when we want to relax and enjoy ourselves, escaping the routines of daily life. For some, this escape also means changing the normal eating patterns, especially for those going on a cruise or to an all-inclusive resort. The 5 – 10 pound weight gain during a cruise is, unfortunately, usually a reality. Even if your vacation is not a cruise, how should you think about eating while on vacation? Are You an Abstainer or a Moderator? The author Gretchen Rubin has suggested that people are either abstainers or moderators when it […]
James Andre, the Artist

“And if what they say is true — if every great painting is really a self-portrait — what, if anything, is James Andre saying about himself?” Explore his works and discover just that. He has a unique way about him, and his art is no different. Drawing from inner as well as outer inspiration, he connects to each piece. James invests heart and soul into his work, where energy and color are brought together to convey something more. View attentively, and listen closely — Andre’s brush speaks the language of movement, the energy of life. Lean in.