Many elements are considered nutrients and are essential for the proper functioning of the body. They are divided into macrominerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium) and trace minerals (boron, molybdenum, selenium, iodine). Conversely, there are a number of elements that are toxic to the human body and can interfere with its functioning and undermine health — these include mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic. These toxic metals have no known physiological functions. They can be toxic to organ systems and may disrupt the balance of essential nutrients. Essential elements play an important role in our overall health and well-being. These help mediate a number of biochemical processes such as metabolism and […]
How Do Imbalances in Essential Elements and Heavy Metals Affect Your Health?

When we don’t feel good, we often don’t realize that nutrient deficiencies may be responsible for the decline in the biochemical processes that should keep us functional on a daily basis. We also neglect to make the connection between our declining health and heavy metal toxicity. Our exposure to essential and toxic elements depends on our diet, where we live, and our lifestyle choices. We are exposed to toxic elements through environmental pollution in the air we breathe and through our skin. Our exposure is also impacted by levels in the soil or irrigation water used to grow the foods we eat, the supplements we take, and the water we […]
Broccoli and Autism

If we give broccoli to those with autism, it might make things better by relieving some of the mitochondrial dysfunction that creates even more free radicals. Current research suggests four causal factors of autism: synaptic dysfunction, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuroinflammation. These factors identify the problem but do not identify the cause. Harvard neurologist Martha Herbert said, “I think we need to conduct research as if we know this is an emergency.” Already, up to 1.5% of American children have autism, and the incidence appears to be on the rise. Once it became understood that one cause of autism may reside in the synapses, the nerve-to-nerve junctions where information […]
Kitchen Tips for Healthier Eating

One of my main purposes as a nutritionist is to help my clients figure out ways to eat healthier. The majority of them have a good idea what is on the list of healthy foods they should eat more of. They are also aware of the unhealthy foods they should eliminate. The problem for them is how to do it. I spend a lot of my time helping clients understand the bad habits they may have around eating. Then we work on strategies to change those habits. Gretchen Rubin is one of my favorite nonfiction authors. Her book Better than Before is about how people develop habits and strategies for […]
The Low-Intensity Fat-Burning Myth

For years, exercisers have been fed a misleading message regarding the best exercise intensity for burning fat. In a nutshell, it goes like this: if you want to burn more fat, you need to work out at a lower, more aerobic intensity, as opposed to higher intensities where you breathe more heavily. Exercisers are reminded of these recommendations every time they step onto a treadmill, elliptical trainer, exercise bike, or stair stepper, as there is usually a chart on the console display indicating the ideal fat-burning zone, typically expressed as a percentage of maximum heart rate or VO2 max, a popular and widely-accepted measure of aerobic fitness. Let’s face it […]
The Multi-Generational Workplace

In my world, we talk about the multiple generations in the workplace on a regular basis. Generations are defined by age, date of birth, and critical societal events. Each generation has its own strengths, limitations, and values. Understanding the differences can create a more cohesive work environment. Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) The baby boomer generation was named for the “boom” of babies born in the United States following the end of World War II. This generation is characterized by a strong work ethic; members are goal oriented, highly resourceful, and team oriented. Baby boomers’ philosophies have been formed through the civil rights movement, the Beatles invasion, Woodstock, the end of […]
A Look at the Roaring Twenties

At the end of the first quarter, the S&P 500 had managed to record a stunning 56.3% total return, including dividends, over the past 12 months — a historic rally indeed. The purchase of equities remains firmly intact as vaccines appear to have the spread of COVID-19 in check, and fiscal and monetary policies have ignited a significant economic recovery since the second half of 2020. In this article, I will recap some of the headlines of the past year as well as highlight issues we should pay attention to going forward. The real estate industry is booming with a strong demand for houses, and the high costs of building […]