This photo was taken in Lagos, Portugal. It is a boat dock at Forte da Ponta da Bandeira located on the southwest tip of Portugal, facing Africa. I took this during my 2-week adventure through southern Spain; I visited Granada, Ronda, Gibraltar, Huelva, and Lagos. It is impossible for me to select one single favorite picture that I have taken, but this photo means a lot to me because
it represents the beauty that can be found when traveling.

Bella Book Host: Changing Ways We Consume Literature
As I have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of Audible. As a mom of two dancers, I spend a lot of time driving and waiting. Audible allows me to access a nearly endless list of audio books from my phone, in the car, in the studio waiting room, and while sewing. For a monthly charge I receive a limited number of credits included in my plan. This month, after realizing I had already used my credits catching up on speculative fiction series involving dragons and talking ships, I evaluated my options. I keep my in-person shopping limited these days, but Amazon had print and Kindle versions available, and