This photo was taken in Lagos, Portugal. It is a boat dock at Forte da Ponta da Bandeira located on the southwest tip of Portugal, facing Africa. I took this during my 2-week adventure through southern Spain; I visited Granada, Ronda, Gibraltar, Huelva, and Lagos. It is impossible for me to select one single favorite picture that I have taken, but this photo means a lot to me because
it represents the beauty that can be found when traveling.

The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires – by Grady Hendrix
Bella Book Club Monthly Selection by Nichole Miller The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires, by Grady Hendrix, provides an unusual combination of classic horror and old Southern charm. Patricia Campbell is a stay-at-home mom who is trying her best to raise her teenage children and care for her senile mother-in-law. Her husband, a psychiatrist, is never home and is little help, and Patricia’s sanity is starting to run thin. After embarrassing herself at the snooty local ladies’ book club, she walks out to find some of the other members forming a new book group where she is introduced to true crime stories and a group of amazing women