The Joy of Journaling

Journaling has long been a way for humans to validate their experiences, concerns, and hopes. It gives the writer a feeling of meaningful achievement in creating a permanent record of his or her life, and it leaves a legacy for family and friends as well. History is built upon the records of those who took the time to leave us their thoughts and experiences. Some of the most powerful diaries are those written by pioneers, men and women at war, and those segregated in one way or another from society. Thoreau, Florence Nightingale, and Lewis and Clark are a few who left priceless accounts of life in other times.

We are living in an exceptional time. There is much happening in our daily lives that sets our experiences apart from those of any other. If we consider the historical perspective, there may be very few alive who lived through an earlier global pandemic. We each have a chance to record our experience through our own lens.

A journal is a personal history and a great memory aid. Recording daily or weekly events may not seem important in the moment, but a few years later those notes reveal insights into how you thought, what you did, and how you have changed and grown.

Journaling can serve as a great and inexpensive therapy. As we write, we record our thoughts, feelings, reactions, regrets, etc. Writing or typing these things out helps us work things through and understand how significant an issue is to us. Writing about positive experiences is uplifting and increases life satisfaction. Research psychologists at the University of Texas Austin have shown that reviewing unpleasant things can be cathartic because it helps us understand and find meaning in the things that keep us awake at night.

What if you’ve never journaled before? It’s an easy habit to pick up. The only investment you have is your time and paper and pen or computer. You can write in the traditional diary style by listing your plans and events every day. Or you can use the journal style, usually written less often but with deeper thoughts about your internal life. If you are a tactile person, you may prefer a bound, sturdy book for your entries. Many enjoy sitting in a quiet corner or nook with a scenic view and a cup of coffee. If you are more computer-oriented, you may choose a blog-type system wherein you can log your entries throughout the day wherever you are. It’s your choice!

I kept a journal from the time I was 14 through my early married years, until things became too hectic to keep it up. I love looking back on my 14-year-old thoughts, my notes on dating my husband, my early years as a mother. These journals are precious to me. They remind me of the girl I was, of my hopes for our future and our children, of our circumstances throughout graduate school and early parenthood, and of many of our past acquaintances.

Some experts recommend journaling first thing in the morning to give the day a positive start and to set the tone for the day. The focus required for journaling is a good way to bring awareness and mindfulness to the things going on around us. Looking for things to write about causes reflection and a better understanding of our complex feelings. Journaling may help the writer recognize recurring issues that, once recognized, can be worked on.

How do you begin? You might start by writing down your goals for the day. This process can declutter your mind, leaving it open for focusing on work, social life, money issues, etc. If a common topic keeps recurring in your writing, it may well deserve attention and action. If you realize that you are unmotivated, bored, or sad much of the time, you may want to enlist the help of a therapist to sort through persistent issues.

You might want to start your journal entries with a positive thought. We can train ourselves to watch for positive occurrences throughout the day. Some like to reinforce their biggest goals each morning in order to keep them fresh in their minds. Written goals are visual reminders. Expressive writing is a simple, effective way to work through emotional challenges.

During COVID-19 many journalers have been using The Pandemic Project website, created by research psychologists to prompt people to write down their experiences and emotions. Others journal about gardening, nature, feelings, vacations, hobbies, etc. Some journals contain artwork embedded within the notes. Other people prefer to record their daily or weekly entries vocally.

Journaling is a great habit to encourage in young children. It helps them express their feelings and fears, increases their writing skills, builds vocabulary and grammar skills, encourages reading and communication, and helps relieve stress.

Journaling can be a challenging and rewarding part of your daily routine. It has benefits for those who make a continuous effort to write down thoughts, experiences, and plans, and it is an excellent example of self expression. With several months remaining in the COVID-19 experience, don’t miss your shot! Document your memories for yourself and for the generations to come.

Benefits of Journaling

  • Creates a permanent record of our lives.
  • Helps to slow down our minds.
  • Helps us to focus on our day.
  • Helps us process our thoughts and think things through.
  • Decreases stress.
  • Enhances creativity.
  • Increases self-awareness.

“Preserve your memories, keep them well, what you forget you can never retell.”

~ Louisa May Alcott

“A journal is your completely unaltered voice.”

~ Lucy Dacus

Picture of Maureen Woltermann

Maureen Woltermann

Maureen is a retired nurse and English instructor. She volunteers as a case manager at St. Vincent de Paul’s food pantry at St. Mary’s and is occasionally active at Aiken Community Theatre as a director. She enjoys reading, following medical research, Sudoku, women’s studies & literature, writing poetry, and traveling (when there’s no pandemic going on!).
Picture of Maureen Woltermann

Maureen Woltermann

Maureen is a retired nurse and English instructor. She volunteers as a case manager at St. Vincent de Paul’s food pantry at St. Mary’s and is occasionally active at Aiken Community Theatre as a director. She enjoys reading, following medical research, Sudoku, women’s studies & literature, writing poetry, and traveling (when there’s no pandemic going on!).

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