Memorial Day

Marines in dress uniform lead the parade
Senior citizens seek shelter in the shade
Scouts march in step along with high school bands
City officials greet the public in the reviewing stands.
Just across the way among the flag-waving public stage
Stands an old veteran, stooped and bearing the burden of age
Suddenly he stands erect, his right hand raised in salute
As Old Glory passes, he offers his valiant tribute.
His left hand whisks away a tear from his eye
as he recalls those to whom he never said “Goodbye.”

From Flanders Field where the poppies grow
To Arlington, its pristine white crosses row upon row
From the flag raised at Mt. Suribachi to the jungles of Vietnam
Soldiers remembered as they went to fight for Uncle Sam.
To Normandy where the sea peacefully laps at the shore
The muted sound of cannon fire and battle cries still roar.
To the peaceful quiet of the family plot.
Not one fallen soldier should ever be forgot.

We are all diminished by their deaths
Yet encouraged by their courage and depth.

Officials in Washington roll the dice
Our young citizens pledge their lives to sacrifice.
A Day to remember all those lost to war.
How many more wars before we settle the score?
How many more flag-draped coffins will we solemnly greet?
How many more families destined to be incomplete?

Memorial Day is a time here in the present to dwell on the past,
Not just for parades and picnics, but to search for Peace
and a way to make it last.
Thanksgiving is a day when we pause
to give thanksgiving for the things we have.
Memorial Day is a day when we pause
to give thanks to the people
who fought for the things we have.

Picture of Joan M. Lacombe

Joan M. Lacombe

Aiken’s Poet Laureate 2019
Picture of Joan M. Lacombe

Joan M. Lacombe

Aiken’s Poet Laureate 2019

In the know

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