Be Self-Confident

“My mother said to me,
‘If you are a soldier, you will
become a general. If you are a
monk, you will become the Pope.”
Instead I was a painter,
and I became Picasso.’”

Pablo Picasso

Growing up, I was fortunate to have a “cool mom.” She was, and still is, very generous and hospitable. She was always at events and parties, usually with food. We would come home with friends and she would have fresh-baked cookies, and cheese and cracker and fruit platters, all laid out for us. She would go with us to water parks, set up a “home base,” and let us wander the water park and have a great time. She would arrive completely outfitted to fill any need we had: drinks in coolers, fresh towels, first aid kit, and cash for the funnel cakes. She has always been a great listener. I have been blessed to have the loving and accepting friend that I have in my mom, who has always been there to take my phone calls, no matter what time of day, and listen to my dramatic rantings about the craziness going on in my life at the moment.

She has always believed in me, and with her belief, I have always thought I could accomplish anything. When I would get wary and want to quit, she would encourage me to hang in there just a little longer to see whether things would change. I was always glad that I did. Whenever I stumbled, she was there, helping me build my self-confidence.

I was listening to a program that talked about what defines a “cool mom.” The speaker said it was a mom who lets the child get away with things that a “normal mom” wouldn’t. The speaker then went on to ask, “What is normal these days?” My four girls call me a “cool mom.” I am not sure that you could say I let them get away with things, but I do try to emulate my mom by being hospitable to their friends; I always try to have home-cooked food ready and available. I also try to listen to them, give them some freedom in decision making, offer advice to them when it doesn’t work out, and encourage them to try a little longer before they quit, just to make sure their minds don’t change.

So, I would like to thank my “cool mom,” Josie Keith, for helping me become the person I am and the “cool mom” I am to my children. Happy Mother’s Day.

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

In the know

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