The Mother’s Gift

The most precious thing I own was made for me by my mother, Margaret Hodges Warren. I have no memory of how our family became so interested in music, because I was too young. The story has it that my older sister Ursula desperately wanted to play the violin, but the family was already quite involved with horses and 4-H and camping and gardening, and so my parents did not encourage her. She made herself a crude instrument out of a cigar box, and then the local violin teacher, Gesa Fiedler (sister-in-law to Max Fiedler, conductor of the Boston Symphony), took pity and gave her a violin and lessons. Soon […]
Two, Three, or Four | Part 2

While visiting with many horse owners either by telephone or in person, I don’t look only at nutrition but also at nutrition management. Sometimes nutrition management can be the most important part of your program. There are many considerations that have to be taken into account, such as type of feed, work intensity, breed, discipline, stalled or not stalled, pasture or dry lot, and hay type, just name a few. Your personal schedule is also extremely important if you work outside of your home. As we all know, a horse’s digestive system is at its peak efficiency when consuming smaller meals. The small intestine, which averages 70’ in length, is […]
The Grandma Mystique

What is it? This Grandma Thing? I’d heard other women talk about how amazing it was to be a grandmother, and, when they talked about their grandchildren, they seemed completely, almost embarrassingly, smitten. I really didn’t think that would happen to me — until it did. But, how? Why? For one thing, grandmahood is the ultimate do-over. Even the best parents are only operating by trial and error, and the errors, unfortunately, have really loud voices. By the time we’re grandparents, however, we’ve garnered a bit of wisdom and perhaps some confidence as well. We see that, despite our many flaws and failures, we’ve managed to raise law-abiding citizens who […]
Memorial Day

Marines in dress uniform lead the parade Senior citizens seek shelter in the shade Scouts march in step along with high school bands City officials greet the public in the reviewing stands. Just across the way among the flag-waving public stage Stands an old veteran, stooped and bearing the burden of age Suddenly he stands erect, his right hand raised in salute As Old Glory passes, he offers his valiant tribute. His left hand whisks away a tear from his eye as he recalls those to whom he never said “Goodbye.” From Flanders Field where the poppies grow To Arlington, its pristine white crosses row upon row From the flag […]
Shooting Down Fear

Fear of the unknown can be quite the compelling catalyst. It is easy to put a feeling on the top shelf, pushed as far back as it can go, in that out-of-the-way closet that is never opened. When it does arise, you quickly avert recognition of said feeling and wait for it to pass from your field of view. This is what the thought of holding a firearm was like for me. I was never really exposed to firearms growing up. My father hunted dove with his shotgun when I was younger. Until I moved out to go to college, the shotgun stayed zipped up in a bag, standing upright […]
Whatcha Gonna Name the Baby?

If I had a quarter for every time I was asked this question, I could have paid for my child’s college education. Names are interesting. Southerners love to unearth the family Bible and hunt for names or find old church cemeteries and read tombstones. Charleston people like to use street names; I can make fun of Charlestonians since I am one. Meet my son Ashley Tradd Beufain Smith. Our daughter’s name will be Calhoun Vandeshorst Lockwood Ravenel. My high school bud, Dr. George Gratzick has a great suggestion for twin boys. He said to name one twin Heyward and the other Ulysses. Just yell “hey, you” when you forget which […]
Finding the Perfect Dress | Shopping Local for Generations

The perfect dress was waiting for me in a small boutique in Aiken. Caroline’s should have been the first place I looked, but I live in Charleston. I spent an entire afternoon perusing all the shops on King Street with a friend. Nothing fit. If it did fit, it did not look right for my age or shape. Women in their mid-fifties want to be stylish and classy, which should not be difficult when one is a perfect 10. That is, size 10, so yes, I am curvy with an emphasis on hips. I was looking for a dress to wear for my daughter’s wedding rehearsal and dinner in March. […]
Two Strong Legs | Lux Libations

I’ve lived in Augusta for almost six years now. I’m hardly nomadic, but I’ve lived in quite a few places in the eastern United States: Pennsylvania, Virginia, Atlanta, Maryland. I’ve always thought that I could live anywhere. Big city, small town, whatever — as long as I have a friend or two and my amazing wife, I can make it work. Then I moved to Augusta. Maybe it is the friends we made, or the community, or the southern hospitality, but I fell in love with this town. When Chris and David over at Drop Disgusta reached out to me about being on their podcast, I jumped at the opportunity. […]
The Joy of Journaling

Journaling has long been a way for humans to validate their experiences, concerns, and hopes. It gives the writer a feeling of meaningful achievement in creating a permanent record of his or her life, and it leaves a legacy for family and friends as well. History is built upon the records of those who took the time to leave us their thoughts and experiences. Some of the most powerful diaries are those written by pioneers, men and women at war, and those segregated in one way or another from society. Thoreau, Florence Nightingale, and Lewis and Clark are a few who left priceless accounts of life in other times. We […]
The Mushroom Medley | An Interview + Recipe with Chris Najmola

From the Kitchen of… Fuse Aiken: The Mushroom Medley – An Interview + Recipe with Chris Najmola You will need: 8 oz. assorted mushrooms — we recommend using Circular Farms to keep it local 2 oz. heavy whipping cream 2 oz. high quality soy sauce 1 oz. vegetable oil a bottle of your favorite red wine a sauté pan some crusty bread to sop up the sauce, or a steak to top — honestly, everyone tells us you could put it over anything This is how we do it (like the song): Start off by getting your sauté pan nice and hot. I think it’s important that nothing hits a […]