Are You Concerned about Coronavirus Variants?

COVID-19 vaccines are all the buzz right now as people scramble to get their lives back to a semblance of normalcy. Millions have been vaccinated, but new, mutated strains of coronavirus are causing concern around the world. COVID-19 cases have fallen nationwide, but health officials warn that these variants could trigger a new surge of infections. A new variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was first reported in December 2020. Since then other variants have been identified. Are the new variants more contagious? Will the current vaccines cover them? Variants occur when there is a change (mutation) to the virus’s genes. As a virus mutates, mistakes and changes are […]
Is Your Child Experiencing Stress

Like adults, kids and teens experience stress too. While small amounts of stress are a normal part of life, some young people may have worrisome responses to disrupted routines, school closures, social distancing, event cancellations, and missed milestones. Stress that occurs continually, or is triggered by multiple sources, can take a toll on a child’s physical as well as emotional health. Can stress be helpful or good? Stress is a body’s reaction to situations that occur within and outside the body. Stress can be helpful — it has been hard-wired into human physiology for survival. For example, imagine you are hiking in the forest and are confronted with a bear. […]
Take Action to Change Your Results

Did you gain the “COVID-19” over the past year? It is similar to the “Freshman 15” — a number of studies show that many people did gain weight in 2020. In a poll taken by WebMD®, 50% of women and 25% of men reported they had gained weight during the pandemic lockdowns. Another survey by Weight Watchers® had similar results. About a third of the Weight Watchers respondents said they gained weight, with the average gain of 12 1/2 pounds. Another study of nearly 8000 adults was taken last April, with results published in the Journal of Obesity. Almost 28% of the total sample reported weight gain. Individually we can […]