The Challenges of Building Wealth

The use of the word wealth automatically creates a mindset that is as different for each of us as is our appearance. For most of us, wealth is defined as assets minus liabilities — that is, net worth. As an advisor, we try to communicate that wealth is more than money, but for the most part, the public usually sees wealth as financial assets. Having an abundance of wealth is often referred to as being rich, but in my opinion, these definitions do not define what I have experienced with clients and associates who are wealthy or rich. For the sake of this article, I will focus on the meaning […]
Combine Your Favorite Edibles into Your Landscape

Spring is a great time to start planting your summer vegetables, fruits, and herbs. A designated row garden is great and a lot of fun, and it can provide baskets of fresh foods to eat or give away to friends and family. But there is another way — adding vegetables and herbs into your landscape adds color and texture and gives a fresh new look to your outdoor space that can otherwise feel mundane. Most summer vegetables need around 6 – 8 hours of full sun per day, so make sure they are not planted in the shade of larger shrubs or trees. They need adequate water from either irrigation […]
What’s the Buzzzzz?

When I think of spring I think of two buzz words — bees and hummingbirds. The buzz word this month is hummingbirds. I just love the precious little birds! Hummingbirds are native to North America. As the smallest of birds, they measure approximately 3 — 5 inches in length and get their name from the humming noise their wings make when they fly. All 350 species of hummingbirds are native to the Americas; by far most of them are tropical. The life of a hummingbird is quite solitary. The males arrive in an area and stake out their territories before the females arrive. A male lets the female hummingbirds know […]
Gardening is a Lifelong Active Lifestyle

South Carolina Garden Clubs provide education and beautification for their cities. Master Gardeners are artists at work. When they add color and texture to a yard or landscape, the result can evoke emotions of joy and completeness. Landscaping is not only big business — it is also therapy for those who love to be outdoors and have made gardening a hobby. A well tended garden can enhance curb appeal for a home, and on a grander scale, beautify parks and recreation areas. The number of amateur gardeners has grown in the past year while people stayed home and looked for purposeful activities that avoided the risk of the pandemic. The […]
The UdogU Adventure Begins

UdogU was born out of Sherry’s creative ability as a seamstress and her love for dogs. She developed her ability to design and sew articles of clothing for herself at an early age. Sherry and I began our lives together in 1989, and we soon added a Shetland Sheepdog named Cushla McCree (Beat of My Heart in Gaelic) to our lives. Cushla quickly became the focus of Sherry’s apparel designing projects — the first project was a hat. Cushla was a handsome male Sheltie and I got the feeling he believed wearing a hat was beneath his dignity. This was reason enough for us to add another dog to our […]