Robbie Pruiett | March’s Bella Fella

Name: Robbie Christopher Pruiett

Occupation: Owner/Operator of Aiken Brewing Company

Side Hustle: They called me “White Chocolate” (basketball). Hunting, outdoorsman, downhill skiing is my passion since I was 3. My family, my kids, cooking.

First Job: Washing dishes at DiMaggio’s Pizza in Michigan.

Worst Job: Washing dishes at DiMaggio’s Pizza.

Greatest Career Challenge: COVID-19 — to have a business that has been here for so long — longevity is what we have done, doing it simple, right, affordable, with a smile, more banjo — this is the most challenging year yet. Being forced to closed on our anniversary, the start of COVID-19.

Role model: My father, Lannie Pruiett, what a man is supposed to be. My dad is my hero.

Happiest When: My kids smile.

What You Do to Relax: Nature. Get outside, go hiking. I love the woods.

Trait You Most Deplore in Others: Dishonesty.

Career Advice: Don’t buy a bar. I am not joking. Scratch that. Go to trade school. The world needs you.

Love Advice: Stay sober.

One Word that Sums You Up: Friend (brutally honest).

Cologne: Zero.

Greatest Weakness: Women (the wrong ones).

What No One Knows about You: That I have a huge heart.

What Makes You Insecure: I have been let down a lot.

What is on Your Bucket List: Happiness — everything else will follow through. Sharing happiness.

What motivates you: The Brew Pub. Providing for my friends and family, a smile, a great meal, and knowing they can call me and I have their back.

How Do You Evaluate Success: Happiness – I am happy I have raised two great kids and I have been very fortunate to meet so many great people.

Where You See Yourself in 5 Years: Right here, leading the Alley into the next evolution.

Robbie Pruiett | March's Bella Fella | Palmetto Bella

An Interview with Zach McCabe | January’s Mr. Bella Fella | Palmetto Bella

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Palmetto Bella Staff

Staff writer for Palmetto Bella Magazine
Picture of Palmetto Bella Staff

Palmetto Bella Staff

Staff writer for Palmetto Bella Magazine

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