Make Your Own Luck

Learn to B-Positive

Have you ever wondered whether some folks are just flat-out lucky? Perhaps there are some who are wired differently?

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t — you’re right.” The following is a great example of this quote.

One of my Sunday school buds told our class a story I will never forget. As a 17-year-old, Nicky entered Boot Camp. He said that he was petrified and had a sinking feeling of failure. He dropped to his knees and prayed, “Lord, I need help. Please send me a sign to help me survive Basic Training.” With bowed head, Nicky’s eyes opened. It was a miracle. He saw his divine answer. Imprinted on his dog tags was “B-Positive.” His entire attitude changed from that moment. God had answered his prayer.

A few days later, a buddy commented on Nicky’s change. “What happened to you?” enquired his friend.

Nicky said, “My fears are gone. I got a message from God. Look at my dog tags — B-Positive.”

“Really!” commented Nicky’s friend. His buddy pulled the long chain out of his shirt and showed Nicky his dog tag. “Look at my message from God — O-Negative.”

Nicky had no idea that it was his blood type written on his dog tag. But he changed his attitude when he changed his thinking. What a great lesson for all of us.

Reminds me of the story about my funny, optimistic Cousin Bob and his wife Elizabeth. She was in the bathroom putting on her nightclothes when she saw herself in the mirror. It was not a pleasant sight. As she was getting into bed, she said, “I am depressed. I saw my reflection in the mirror. I am old, fat, and ugly. I wish you would give me a compliment.”

“Well,” drawled Bob. “You got good eye sight.”

I believe that some folks are just fortunate to have a mindset where they see things from a healthy perspective. And it always helps to have a good sense of humor.

©Jane Jenkins Herlong, Used with Permission

Picture of Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong is a Southern humorist, Sirius XM comedian, member of the Speaker Hall of Fame, and the best-selling author of four books. Jane travels the country sharing her sweet tea wisdom and Southern fried humor. For information on how to contact Jane for speaking engagements or to purchase her books, CD’s or MP3’s, visit
Picture of Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong is a Southern humorist, Sirius XM comedian, member of the Speaker Hall of Fame, and the best-selling author of four books. Jane travels the country sharing her sweet tea wisdom and Southern fried humor. For information on how to contact Jane for speaking engagements or to purchase her books, CD’s or MP3’s, visit

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