Make Your Own Luck

Learn to B-Positive Have you ever wondered whether some folks are just flat-out lucky? Perhaps there are some who are wired differently? Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t — you’re right.” The following is a great example of this quote. One of my Sunday school buds told our class a story I will never forget. As a 17-year-old, Nicky entered Boot Camp. He said that he was petrified and had a sinking feeling of failure. He dropped to his knees and prayed, “Lord, I need help. Please send me a sign to help me survive Basic Training.” With bowed head, Nicky’s eyes […]
More Power To Your Elbows

It’s more British than American. And it likely originated as a toast. The phrase “more power to your elbows” meant you lifted your comrades up to continued good fortune, with many more celebrations to come (so their elbows would therefore be bent in many more celebratory toasts). But now, “more power to your elbows” is most often just said in recognition of a thing well done, with hope for even more successes. A sort of quirky wish for “good luck.” I am quite smitten with the phrase. But when it comes to traditions of good luck, I suspect most of us are more familiar with the “bending of our elbows” […]
How to Say the Hard Things

Have you ever been in a situation where you are not sure how to say what needs to be said? Sometimes it’s sympathy for the loss of a loved one or an expression of sadness for an illness or unfortunate occurrence. We know the words, of course, but are they the right ones? Are they the words we would want to hear? Experts say there is no one correct way to express feelings of comfort or sadness, but it is important to convey our good intentions and concern. Many of us do this with a phone call. Finding the right words can be difficult. We want to comfort without intruding. […]
The Price of War

Arriving at the Cam Ranh Bay airport in 1968 was an exciting moment for Captain Linda Sharp. She would be returning home in time for Christmas, but her mood shifted as she boarded the C-141 military plane. She sat in a jump seat while facing racks loaded from top to bottom with caskets of American servicemen. It was a sobering reminder of the price of war. Today, Linda Sharp Caldwell lives in Aiken, South Carolina with her husband Brent, but she grew up around the country as a military “brat.” Her father was a career Air Force officer who served in World War II. When asked how she ended up […]
St. Patrick | Shamrocks, and Lucky Charms

There are many translations of St. Patrick’s lorica, the Deer’s Cry. My favorite translation begins with these lines: I bind unto myself today The strong Name of the Trinity, By invocation of the same The Three in One and One in Three. In spite of his popularity, especially in brew pubs in mid-March, not much is actually certain about St. Patrick. According to the Catholic Church, he was born in 387 and died in 461, but there are questions about the accuracy of that information. He lived sometime in the 5th century. March 17 is celebrated as the date of his death, but scholars dispute the date as well as […]
Aiken County — Celebrating 150 Years | Cabinet of Curiosities

Here at the Aiken County Historical Museum, we normally have a Founders Day celebration during March to celebrate the creation of our county. This year’s celebration is particularly special because Aiken County turns 150 years old in 2021. The land that Aiken County encompasses has thousands of years’ worth of stories about a multitude of lives that existed between heartbreak and hope. With that, let’s delve into a smattering of curious stories that took place in our fair county. A rose by any other name would still be… Aiken County After decades of petitioning the South Carolina State Legislature, a bill was finally passed in March of 1871 to create […]
Lots of Luck at the Aiken Trials

The harder we work, the luckier we are. Gamblers and risk takers depend on Lady Luck. She is certainly present at the Aiken Trials in March each year as friendly $1 side bets take place on each of the six horse races. The first race starts at 1 pm, but the gates open at 10 am so that cars can find their parking spots. Creative hosts set up banquet tables with extravagant décor and picnic fare, hoping to capture the first place prize. 10,000 people settle in for a day of outdoor enjoyment with family and friends. Our daughters went to their first Trials with friends from college during their […]
Hello Gardeners!

Isn’t it just wonderful to feel spring in the air? I don’t think I could have stood another 6 weeks of winter — Mother Nature would definitely have heard from me … Now that there is a light at the end of that long winter tunnel, it is time to get busy preparing your garden for spring flowers and flowering bulbs. This is a good time to refresh your patio, deck, and porch containers as well. For those of you who are beginners or novices, pick the brain of a friend who is a master gardener, or call me. Over the years, I have learned to be an active listener […]
Garden Accents

Garden accents can be a great way to have fun in your garden and personalize your landscape. Here are some tips to help you enjoy your outdoor space while tapping into your creative side. Accents can be any type of artistic touch. Some people use gazing balls. Others distribute statues, gnomes, wind chimes, and birdfeeders throughout their yards and gardens. A garden accent can be virtually anything — just be sure it can hold up in stormy weather. Night lights are another way to showcase your landscape. They can show off the unique branching structure of a Live Oak or highlight a delicate Japanese Maple. The shadows they generate on […]
Robbie Pruiett | March’s Bella Fella

Name: Robbie Christopher Pruiett Occupation: Owner/Operator of Aiken Brewing Company Side Hustle: They called me “White Chocolate” (basketball). Hunting, outdoorsman, downhill skiing is my passion since I was 3. My family, my kids, cooking. First Job: Washing dishes at DiMaggio’s Pizza in Michigan. Worst Job: Washing dishes at DiMaggio’s Pizza. Greatest Career Challenge: COVID-19 — to have a business that has been here for so long — longevity is what we have done, doing it simple, right, affordable, with a smile, more banjo — this is the most challenging year yet. Being forced to closed on our anniversary, the start of COVID-19. Role model: My father, Lannie Pruiett, what a […]