Be Lucky

“If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.”

John Irving

March is The Luck Issue! I always thought of March as a lucky month. It the month of spring’s arrival and rebirth, a week’s vacation for spring break that almost always includes travel, horse racing and hats, St. Patrick’s Day, and the occasional Easter, and it is the month in which I was born. Lots of things to celebrate!

This month we completed an entire year of surviving a pandemic. So much has changed, and I feel extremely lucky that Bella and I have both survived the year. I am fortunate to be part of the downtown Aiken community of businesses, and I have taken the opportunity to get to know them better over the last year. I was impressed by my neighbor Rob Pruiett, owner of the Aiken Brewing Company — instead of shutting down, he and his crew worked day after day remodeling and updating the restaurant. The brew pub is the longest-standing restaurant in downtown Aiken, holding its location for the last 24 years. They celebrate their anniversary this St. Patrick’s Day. My beer journey continues with articles about the brewery, the restaurant, and with Rob as our March 2021 Bella Fella. Come celebrate this month with Bella and the Brew Pub!

Another highlight this month is the 150th year celebration for Aiken County. Our “Cabinet of Curiosities” shares stories about Aiken County, starting with its conception. “After decades of petitioning the South Carolina State Legislature, a bill was finally passed in March of 1871 to create a new county with the city of Aiken at its core.” Check out the article for more about our area.

I am sure 1000s of people like me will be missing the horse racing this year. Aiken will not be hosting its Triple Crown. Kim Cordell shares memories of horse racing in her article “Lots of Luck at the Aiken Trials.” Though it is hard to miss the Trials, Steeplechase, and Pacers and Polo, I know they will be back, and I take comfort in knowing that I will have a newfound appreciation for Aiken’s rich equine culture when I am able to tailgate, in a hat of course, with friends and family.

In closing, I would like to thank Bella’s editor, Robin Warren for all of her hard work over the last couple of years. To say that I am lucky to have her is a huge understatement. This month I am honored to have her write an editorial alongside my publisher’s letter. If I could wish for luck for any of you, it would be for luck in friendship. I find that luck in love and money and even health can be out of our control much of the time. May you be the person someone else is lucky enough to call a friend.

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

In the know

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