Could Some Hormones Be More Protective Against COVID-19?

Good news for those of you who are currently on hormone replacement therapy especially if you’re a woman — new research suggests that sex steroids may play a role in keeping people from developing severe COVID-19 symptoms. One trend that has emerged is the tendency for males to have a more difficult experience with the disease than females. The ratio of COVID-19 deaths are higher among men than women. For every 100 women who die, 135 men die from the disease. In an article recently published in Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, Graziano Pinna from the University of Illinois in Chicago outlines some of the evidence suggesting that female reproductive […]
Say “I Love You” with a Healthy Chocolate Dessert

Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14, is set aside to honor those you love. Traditional expressions of love on Valentine’s Day are cards, flowers, food, and jewelry. One of the foods of love is chocolate. The botanical name for chocolate is Theobroma cacao, which means “food of the gods”. But you don’t have to be a god to love chocolate! The Aztecs thought that chocolate was an aphrodisiac. Research has now shown that the ancient wisdom could be true. A recent study showed the connection between eating sweet foods and romantic feelings. Specifically, chocolate helps to release dopamine and serotonin in the brain, and those are some of our feel-good […]
Honesty + Leadership

Leadership is influence, and we each influence those around us. What type of influence would you like to create? Having a vision or purpose for life empowers actions to be executed with intent and a desired result. Leadership in action is the best way to create influence. There are two ways to influence — by reason or by force. Living with reason is fundamental to safety, education, and progress; actions without reason, morality, or understanding are dangerous. One of the most unique characteristics we have as human beings is the ability to choose. Who is in control of your choices? Who is responsible for your emotions, intentions, and reactions? Do […]
Being Human

If there is one nugget of advice that we should take away from 2020, it is to be human. It sounds like such a simple request, but is often lacking in a business setting. We celebrate love (among other things) in the month of February. Love is a strong word, but loving one another is the basis of our humanity, so how can we love one another in the workplace? Angela Ahrendts, Senior VP at Apple, said, “Everyone talks about building a relationship with your customer. I think you build one with your employees first.” Whether or not you want to be, you are in relationship with the people you […]
What’s Next?

The new year has arrived, and the expectations are for things to be better than in 2020. That is exactly the forecast from most investment firms. Billions of dollars will be pumped into the economy this year, and that will generate additional spending. More spending means more goods sold, and when more goods are sold, more profits are made. When more profits are made, the stocks of those companies are in more demand, and that results in higher stock prices. It really is not that complicated. You just need to figure out which of those companies will produce the goods that people want to buy, and then how long people […]
Love Is All That Matters

Our love stories are a testimony to the best part of our lives. My first boyfriend was in my kindergarten class. He came to my house one day and we sat in the garage on a stack of newspapers that were waiting to be recycled. He said, “Let’s kiss on the count of three.” I puckered up and never forgot the thrill of that first kiss. My dad told me that he had kissed 50 women before our mother appeared in his life. I did not really believe that because he was a quiet and reserved man. Even so, I asked dad, “How did you know when you found true […]
How to Protect Your Energy

Have you found yourself in a bad mood but you can’t pinpoint exactly why you feel that way or where it came from? When that happens, something negative has invaded your energy field or spirit. Let’s talk about some practical ways to protect your energy from negativity. Protect Your Ear Gate What you allow yourself to hear affects your energy. Ever listen to the news and feel fearful afterwards or like the world is coming to an end? Or perhaps you listen to a particular song that triggers certain feelings within you and changes your whole mood? What about listening to salacious gossip? How about hearing the same negativity over […]
Photo Of The Month | RJ Bednez

This tree has survived three major hurricanes and it continues to stand tall and strong on Jekyll Island in Georgia. This image was taken right after Hurricane Matthew just as high tide was coming in. As I was sitting there looking at its reflection in the water, I couldn’t help but think of a poem called “The Tree.” Look at you standing tall and strong like a god or goddess of the clouds. Can you speak? Maybe the message you carry is of nothing to speak about. You have seen it all; your age can only mean your wisdom is immense. Won’t you tell us of what you have seen, […]
“Going … Going … Gone” | Animal Preservation Through Fine Art

Robert Campbell, Whitney Kurlan, and Camryn Finnan are the featured artists at the upcoming exhibit at the Aiken Center for the Arts. Each artist is well known for wildlife conservation efforts. These artists depict animals as they are rarely seen — in their natural African habitats. “Going … Going … Gone” is the title of the show as well as a not so subtle reminder that many animals are in danger of extinction. This exhibit is intended to bring awareness to the public and to support the efforts of wildlife conservation organizations. It opens February 4 and extends through March 19, 2021. Artist Robert Campbell has created work for the […]
The Quaker Gun

The Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, arose in England in the mid 17th century. They were early settlers to the Colonies (future United States) and prominent in many regions until the Revolutionary War. Although Quaker worship varies widely, from silent meetings (about 10% of Quakers) to evangelical services, nearly all are pacifists. The religion has a long history of supporting equality for women, abolition of slavery, non-violence, co-education, prison reform, and social justice. Today there are fewer than 400,000 Quakers world-wide, and about 50% of them live in Africa. Really? A Quaker gun? Aren’t Quakers those ardent pacifists who refuse military service and believe all conflict can […]