Don’t Get It Twisted | Untwist the Love

Let’s not get it twisted.

When it comes to matters of the heart, one word tells the story — that word is love. If you are living in this world you have experienced acts of kindness and compassion, butterflies in your tummy, tears in your eyes, and maybe something that feels like a massive heart attack, but not entirely — these characteristics can be feelings associated with love.

Some people say, “I had love in my life” or “I am too young to know what love is” or “I was in love once.” Guess what? Love doesn’t have an age limit! Love never leaves us! Love never dies! Love lasts forever!

Can you fall out of love with something? Yes, but love itself still lingers and grows in other areas of life. Love is always there, lurking and holding onto you, your mood, mind, desires, creativity, and heart.

Let’s untwist these thoughts and take a closer look at the word love. Love can be defined as an intense feeling of deep affection or a great interest and pleasure in something. Love can be a feeling or interest.

Well, love is everywhere.

  • When you attend a wedding or a birthday celebration, you bring love and good wishes. You also feel love all around you from the people who attend the gathering.
  • When a new addition is added to the family, whether it’s a new bundle of joy, a pet, or a new love interest, love is there!
  • When the loss of a loved one occurs due to illness, sickness, separation, or death, love is there!
  • Throughout life’s career progressions, educational achievements, personal journeys, relationships, family ties, and times of hurt, pain, or sorrow, love never leaves us.

When it feels like love has departed your life, it’s not love that has left you! Sometimes we confuse love with people or with feelings we have for people. No matter what your situation is in life, as long as you are breathing, you have love around you! People can show you love. You can grow to love tangible items. Some addictions can even create a false sense of love. However, don’t get it twisted or even be deceived — love is always there even when you don’t feel it! Just take a moment to reminisce about a happy time, place, or memory to unlock that feeling. Love is inside you each and every day. It brings happiness, peace, joy, and tranquility to your life. Don’t get it twisted — untwist the love.

Picture of Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre, a United States Air Force veteran and proud graduate of Bellevue University, is inspired by making a positive impact in our youth’s community and lives. She is a former special education teacher and a civil service administrator. She loves hiking, camping, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family.
Picture of Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre, a United States Air Force veteran and proud graduate of Bellevue University, is inspired by making a positive impact in our youth’s community and lives. She is a former special education teacher and a civil service administrator. She loves hiking, camping, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family.

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