Set Yourself Up for Health in 2021 with a Simple Test

Are you feeling run down and tired for no reason? Are you taking a handful of supplements each day, and trying to eat cleaner, and questioning whether what you’re doing is working?

This COVID-19 pandemic has isolated most of us enough to make us reassess our own health. Many of us flock to the next fad thinking it will help us slim down, give us more energy, make us more beautiful, and maybe even extend our years here on earth. Foods, supplements, and nutritional support are only good if we can absorb them. Most of us go through our whole lives thinking we’re doing what is right, but in the end poor absorption of essential nutrients leaves our cells vulnerable to disease and an early demise.

Start your new year out right by testing your nutritional status to see where you stand and how to maximize your health.

Joannie came into the pharmacy looking for supplements — she was on her way home and our location was convenient for her. She was new to our store and wanted to check us out. After a few questions, I realized that she had been buying her supplements at a grocery store for years. Her doctor had told her it didn’t matter where she bought them. After a few more questions, I discovered that she has an autoimmune condition and that she had to give up gluten. She told me that she tries to eat right, purchasing organic produce and eating at least 4 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. I asked her whether she wanted to test to see the fruits of her labor, to see whether her supplement regimen, in addition to cleaner eating, had equated to a positive score on the Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner.

The S3 Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is the world’s first tool that measures your Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) — immediate evidence of carotenoid antioxidant activity in your body. To use it, you place the palm of your hand in front of the scanner’s safe, low-energy blue light, and within seconds it gives a reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin, which has been scientifically correlated to overall antioxidant status. The technology of the Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is based on an optical method known as Resonant Raman Spectroscopy, which has been used in research laboratories for many years. f

The Scanner measures carotenoid levels in human tissue at the skin surface using optical signals. These signals identify the unique molecular structure of carotenoids, allowing their measurement without interference by other molecular substances. Carotenoids are an important category of antioxidants — they are primarily responsible for the reds, oranges, and yellows we see in fruits and vegetables. In our bodies, non-carotenoid antioxidants rely on carotenoids to defend and replenish themselves so that they can continue their cell protective work.

The S3 scanner provides valuable information:

  • Level of carotenoids (antioxidants — the higher the level of antioxidant, the lower the risk of many diseases)
  • Consumption of fruit and vegetables
  • How well supplements are being absorbed
  • How well fruit and vegetables are being absorbed

Set Yourself Up for Health in 2021 with a Simple Test | Palmetto Bella

The rainbow scoring shows the range of antioxidant levels, the higher the better — 10,000 is the lowest, and 89000+ is optimal.

We are exposed to free radicals every day. Many of the physical effects we blame on aging are a result of free radical damage. No matter how healthy you try to be, you receive free radical damage every single day.

Set Yourself Up for Health in 2021 with a Simple Test | Palmetto Bella

When left unchecked, free radical damage accumulates and can lead to serious health concerns later in life. In fact, free radical damage can cause premature aging, and it is a major factor in the deterioration of health over time. A visible example of free radical damage occurs when you slice open an apple and it turns brown. This natural process is called oxidation. When oxygen interacts with cells of any type — an apple slice, for example — oxidation occurs.

Set Yourself Up for Health in 2021 with a Simple Test | Palmetto Bella

Antioxidants are your first defense against free radicals — they freely share their electrons and stop the degenerative chain reaction of free radicals. Our bodies generate some antioxidants naturally, but new research shows that additional sources of antioxidants may provide added protection against a growing onslaught of free radical invaders.

Set Yourself Up for Health in 2021 with a Simple Test | Palmetto BellaJoannie expected her S3 score would be high because she was doing “all the right things,” but she scored a dangerously low 15,000. I explained that we are only as good as what we can absorb, and not all supplements are created equal. Many off-brand lower-cost nutritional products have fillers that are toxic or can reduce the absorption of nutrients. In addition, if you have gut issues — dysbiosis, colitis, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria), etc. — nutrients from foods, no matter how “clean,” will be poorly absorbed or not absorbed at all.

Set Yourself Up for Health in 2021 with a Simple Test | Palmetto Bella

Joannie decided that she needed more guidance, and she made a follow-up appointment with me. After making dietary recommendations to clean and repair her gut, I put her on professional grade supplements with a focus on antioxidants, and she is well on her way to a healthier future. 6 months later, Joannie’s diligence and commitment had paid off — her score is now 62,000, well above the danger zone. She says she feels much better and she now understands the importance of antioxidants to the health of her cells and her long-term health.

Make a decision to improve your health and wellness in 2021 by getting your nutritional status tested. Come to TLC for your S3 scan and learn your score today!

Picture of Zoom H. Heaton

Zoom H. Heaton

TLC Medical Centre pharmacy is a traditional pharmacy offering specialized services such as medical equipment, compression stocking fittings, diabetic shoes fitting with shoe selection on site, vaccinations throughout the year and medical compounding (our compounding lab is located inside TLC called Custom Prescription Compounders, LLC). Our compounding pharmacist Zoom H. Heaton is also board certified in Anti-aging, Metabolic and Functional medicine. She works with patients needing help with various medical needs such as bio-identical hormone management, adrenal and thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, weight management, pain management compounding, nutritional guidance using specialized testing and much much more. If you feel that your health needs a change for the better, call us at 803.648.7800 extension 200 and make an appointment. The first 15 minutes of your consultation with Zoom is free.
Picture of Zoom H. Heaton

Zoom H. Heaton

TLC Medical Centre pharmacy is a traditional pharmacy offering specialized services such as medical equipment, compression stocking fittings, diabetic shoes fitting with shoe selection on site, vaccinations throughout the year and medical compounding (our compounding lab is located inside TLC called Custom Prescription Compounders, LLC). Our compounding pharmacist Zoom H. Heaton is also board certified in Anti-aging, Metabolic and Functional medicine. She works with patients needing help with various medical needs such as bio-identical hormone management, adrenal and thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, weight management, pain management compounding, nutritional guidance using specialized testing and much much more. If you feel that your health needs a change for the better, call us at 803.648.7800 extension 200 and make an appointment. The first 15 minutes of your consultation with Zoom is free.

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