
Do you have leadership skills? No, I’m not just talking about the bossy girl on the playground. Whether you’re a small business owner, or a supervisor or manager, or have any ambition of being in one of those roles someday, what are you doing to develop the skills that will help you be successful? I have regularly heard employees say that they did not get proper training for, or that their organization did not prepare them for, the leadership role they were performing. I have also heard employers say that employees need to take charge of their own development. So, who is right? I say both. I believe that we […]
How To Be Rich in 2021

There are times when you probably don’t feel rich, but most of us are richer than we think. It depends on who you are comparing yourself to. Most people who have accumulated substantial assets become consumed with managing their wealth — as a result, they have less time to invest in others. Being truly rich is a lifestyle. It’s about how we use our influence. It’s about being aware of things that really matter. On the other hand, having substantial wealth provides you with the opportunity to invest in the lives of others and make a real difference in your community. In the next couple of months, I will be […]
The Science of Bubbles

Did you know there is a whole science devoted to bubbles? Bubbles, one of the first toys of childhood, are amazing spheres of color, reflection, elasticity, chemistry, light, and geometry. And yet, most of us know them only as fragile, colorful objects that soar into the sky for our amusement. What actually makes a bubble? Very simply, bubbles are gas wrapped in liquid soap. The liquid molecules sandwich the gas between them in tiny compartments. Bubbles have many more uses than you may think. If you’ve ever had a fizzy drink, you know that bubbles can throw tiny particles (aerosol droplets) into the air. Scientists also know that the bursting […]
Destiny Woodard | Photo of the Month

I think “The Strength is in Her Crown” is my best image. Most of my collaborative work focuses on the inner beauty of women, and this image is an interpretation of inner beauty. The image took on a character of embracing God’s authority in women’s lives and finding their strength in His identity. By taking away the distraction of color, turning it into black and white, I am able to focus on the meaning behind the overall image, where her strength lies. When we were taking this image, it happened in the most random spot of a house, but that one spot brought magic. This will be one of my […]
A New Year – A New Beginning

There is a new day dawning Not just a new day — a whole new year! Masks an accessory of the coronavirus, Symbolic of the 2020 annus horribilis This new year 2021 stands before us like a storybook waiting to be rewritten. Let us plan to approach this new year with 20-21 vision. Ready to see clearly, to meet this creative challenge. Let us not only plan to do things differently but “to make a difference.” This experiment has no expiration date. If you falter in your dedication, You have the option of endless renewal. One is easily defeated when you give up trying. Strive to be more observant of […]
Northern Natives Migrate South

Snowbirds are looking for a fresh start in warmer and friendlier climates If you are lucky enough to have been born and raised in the South, or if you relocated south of the Mason-Dixon line to become a permanent resident years ago, you may be slightly annoyed when you see those pesky critters known as snowbirds. Each New Year, they migrate from the North to spend time where it is warm and sunny. They have most likely endured freezing temperatures and snow drifts during the holidays and now seek a place to nestle on a beach or golf course. They don’t realize that they are robbing you of your favorite […]
The Highland Park Hotel | A History

The Highland Park Hotel, Aiken’s first grand hotel, was situated on the western end of Park Avenue on the plateau overlooking what is now the Aiken Golf Club. It was constructed in 1869 – 1870. In 1874 its capacity was doubled to 300 guests with an addition on the left side. The hotel was constructed at a time when Aiken was considered a health resort because of its pine-scented air, mild climate, and sandy soil. Over the years the hotel advertised large rooms with sunny exposure, marble-top walnut furniture, and rooms lit with rosin gas and warmed with open fireplaces. All rooms had electric bells. Hot and cold baths were […]
The Beginnings of a New County | Cabinet of Curiosities

2021 is a special year for the residents of Aiken County — not only is it a new year of hope after a year of chaos, but it’s also the 150th anniversary of Aiken County’s founding. In January of 1871, state legislator Charles D. Hayne (Barnwell District) proposed an act to create a new county with Aiken as its seat. On March 10, 1871, the act was formally enacted by the South Carolina state legislature. While Hayne was not the first person to promote the idea of a new county, he was the one to get the bill through the state legislature successfully. Names for the new county included the […]
Five Ways to Live the Paris Lifestyle Anywhere

Ma Vie En Rose by Buck Jones She doesn’t come into our little café but once a week, but when she does, oh my. It’s her smile that grabs your heart, and as she walks over to give you the obligatory bisous greeting of a kiss on each cheek, the conversation is quick and easy. Long retired from being a professor at one of the local universities on the Left Bank of Paris, she and her boyfriend (a retired diplomat) sit at their favorite table and they order a coupe of champagne each. That’s what they always order, and for the next hour or so, they canoodle. She leans into […]