Online Personal Fitness Coaching: Can It Work for You?

Almost out of nowhere, COVID-19 happened upon us and the world has had to learn to pivot. Fast. And here we are, a year later, continuing to learn how to embrace a number of lifestyle modifications.

Home-based fitness regimens have become a viable, if not a necessary, option.  Many people claim that having a gym membership keeps them accountable for working out once they have committed to sign-up fees and membership dues.  And some folks feel that having a workout destination motivates them to get out the door.  These are, of course, fair and valid reasons.  But times are changing, and many individuals are reconsidering how to navigate the fitness journey safely and efficiently, given the challenges presented by this year’s pandemic and the reality that other public health crises will arise in the future. The prospect of exposure to dangerous viruses makes many people wary about exercising in public establishments such as gyms. Not being able to exercise in a workout facility — or feel comfortable about it — has caused many people to reduce their daily physical activity time or abandon their exercise routines altogether.

Videoconferencing technology, social media platforms, and powerful apps now make it possible to work with a fitness professional virtually, all the while reaping the same benefits as meeting with a trainer in person. Working with a seasoned and experienced online fitness coach provides the distinct advantages of cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and self-sufficiency without compromising the quality of the coaching.  A good online fitness coach provides workout prescriptions on a week-to-week or month-to-month basis, and schedules regular check-ins to discuss progress and offer clarification on program instructions. An online fitness coach can create instructional videos that deliver accurate movement demonstrations using powerful cues, all of which you can then review and revisit whenever you like. In the same manner, you can use this process to gain feedback from your online coach regarding your form, tempo, etc.

An added benefit of online training is the flexibility it offers when you perform your routine from day to day. With workouts designed and delivered to you in weekly or monthly blocks, you have the freedom to perform them at your leisure. This flexibility comes in handy when unexpected events and mishaps would have otherwise conflicted with a scheduled in-person appointment. Working with an online coach is typically more cost-effective as well, as the programming is written up and delivered to you in week-long or month-long cycles. Instead of paying for each meeting with an in-person trainer, online coaching typically involves a fixed weekly or monthly rate or fee plan that usually winds up being more affordable.

Online fitness training may not be the ideal option for everyone, at least not at first. If you are an absolute beginner who has never engaged in a structured exercise routine, in-person training is probably a more sensible approach for your initial weeks or months.  At the other end of the performance continuum, if you are a highly-experienced elite athlete with goals of performing on a national or international stage, online personal fitness training may not be able to provide you with the level of attention and precise feedback necessary to make improvements on such a competitive level.

With online fitness training, there is a greater need to be self-motivated, as your weekly or monthly workouts are prescriptions as opposed to actual scheduled appointments. For some individuals, this consideration is not insignificant.  With some thoughtful planning and a commitment to structuring your environment to ensure fitness success, long-term adherence and enjoyment can be achieved.

Many people are amazed at the plethora of exercise variations and movement combinations, often requiring no more than body weight. A talented fitness coach can offer and demonstrate a variety of alternatives to many of the equipment-dependent exercises clients rely on in gyms. Retrofitting a client’s workout routine so that it may be accomplished at home, with little or no equipment, and without sacrificing effectiveness or results, is a perfect task for an online fitness coach. Should the client happen to have a few pieces of exercise equipment in the home, even better! Moreover, a responsible online fitness coach encourages you to challenge yourself, all the while reminding you never to sacrifice form and safety.

Maybe it’s time for you to weigh the options and see whether online fitness training is for you!

Picture of Patrick Gelinas

Patrick Gelinas

Picture of Patrick Gelinas

Patrick Gelinas

In the know

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