How To Be Rich in 2021

There are times when you probably don’t feel rich, but most of us are richer than we think. It depends on who you are comparing yourself to. Most people who have accumulated substantial assets become consumed with managing their wealth — as a result, they have less time to invest in others.

Being truly rich is a lifestyle.

It’s about how we use our influence. It’s about being aware of things that really matter. On the other hand, having substantial wealth provides you with the opportunity to invest in the lives of others and make a real difference in your community.

In the next couple of months, I will be sharing some serious concerns I have regarding the state of our country and what I foresee as serious issues that will impact our financial wealth. I had originally planned to begin that dialogue in this issue, but decided that I do not want to have my first article in 2021 deliver a message of doom. But we will be facing some very serious financial issues in the years ahead, and now is the time to get your financial house in order.

2021 appears to have a positive foundation because the impact of coronavirus vaccines will trigger a major return of businesses and social activities.

If we could live life backwards, we would avoid the mistakes that have impacted our financial well-being. At the same time, it is amazing how often we repeat the actions that limit our financial growth. So, now is the time to look in the mirror and decide not to repeat the same mistakes. One of the best ways to grow wealth is to avoid losing it.

Regardless of what has happened in the past, negative actions do not create positive results. Try looking at the world through someone else’s eyes — that perspective can initiate growth in you. “Rich” is a state of mind.

Practice being rich in your generosity toward other people.

Demonstrate compassion, and the quality of your life will generate wealth. Every day is filled with a mindset that sees things either with a negative view or as a positive opportunity. We are daily surrounded by negative events and news that remind us of everything that is wrong. Choose to focus on opportunities to take advantage of what is right. Focus on how you can make a positive difference in your own life and the lives of those with whom you come into contact.

None of us will live forever. When did you last have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself about what you really want out of life? I want a rich life and I think you should too. When I look around and see the wealth of life around us, I know that we are blessed with richness.

Begin 2021 with a thankful state of mind.

Be thankful for clean water, a home to live in, clothes to wear, electricity for light and warmth — the list goes on and on. Values aren’t easy to market, but they provide wealth beyond the figures on a financial statement. In all honesty, do you want your legacy to be tied to what you drive, where you live, or how much you work? Maybe it’s time to realize that the most valuable things you own are the right values.

Take the time to think through what’s most important to you.

Which words describe the person you want to be? Look in the mirror again and tell the person you see that you are truly rich. Put your values in the driver’s seat, and throw the rest in the trunk to be used as needed.

Next month, we will begin diving into the financial realities that will have a profound impact on our future financial wealth.
Stay tuned.

Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group
Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group

In the know

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