I think “The Strength is in Her Crown” is my best image. Most of my collaborative work focuses on the inner beauty of women, and this image is an interpretation of inner beauty. The image took on a character of embracing God’s authority in women’s lives and finding their strength in His identity. By taking away the distraction of color, turning it into black and white, I am able to focus on the meaning behind the overall image, where her strength lies. When we were taking this image, it happened in the most random spot of a house, but that one spot brought magic. This will be one of my favorite images because it contains a meaning for life and acknowledges women’s beauty.

Brooks Brown | Photo Of The Month
A note from Brooks Brown: My goal in retiring here was to spend my full time dedicated to creating art in and around Aiken, to be with horses either with the Great Oak Theraputic Riding Center or on the sides of the road, and to put my artographs in the Aiken Center for the Arts exhibits. I like being surrounded by horses, equestrian eventing, and polo riders that afford me the opportunity to use my iPhone to capture their beauty wherever I see them. I love being in the moment where it’s me, my iPhone in hand, with a horse, or nature, gardens or flowers or rolling hills on country