Santa at the Depot | Scene Around Town

Santa at the Depot December 19, 2020 Aiken Visitors Center and Train Museum Photography by Allen Riddick Archania Edwards and Kemari, Dre, and Cameron Hartley Tripp, Amy, Mary Irving, Charlie, Anne Masters, and Bobby Calfee Colton, Emily, Jordan, and Carter Cyr Virginia and Eli Forehan Allison, Charlotte, and David Brunson
Christmas in Hopelands | Scene Around Town

Christmas in Hopelands December 2020 This past December the City of Aiken hosted its 29th annual Christmas in Hopelands. Hopelands Gardens was illuminated with thousands of lights that lined the walking trails. Photography by Allen Riddick Allexis O’Callaghan, Gabriel Ruelas, Nadia Ruelas-Durst, Logan Durst, and Serena Ruelas Leila Carter, Kynslee and Kylee Clifton Haze, Madeline, Chrissa, and Chad Matthews Dana Miller and Keaton Allison Monique Overstreet and Emmy Ellis
A Holiday Cookie Stroll | Scene Around Town

A Holiday Cookie Stroll December 13, 2020 Downtown Aiken Photography by Allen Riddick Brooke and Sheila Thomas Cathie Adams, Liz Nica, and Whitney Jordan Adams Keelyn, Mikah, Kynzie, and Karsyn Grazier Emarie and Amandea Gilchrist, Teshia McIver, and Denise Green
Noah’s Way and Friends Coat Drive | Scene Around Town

Noah’s Way and Friends Coat Drive December 12, 2020 Sams’ Club Photography by Allen Riddick Ronnie Young Jr., Jane Page Thompson, and Kenny Freeman Bax, Julie, and Shyla Whitesell Sue Ellis and Michael Dean Perry Roseann and Jack Mariner Noah Priester Cato and Keyatta Priester
Set Yourself Up for Health in 2021 with a Simple Test

Are you feeling run down and tired for no reason? Are you taking a handful of supplements each day, and trying to eat cleaner, and questioning whether what you’re doing is working? This COVID-19 pandemic has isolated most of us enough to make us reassess our own health. Many of us flock to the next fad thinking it will help us slim down, give us more energy, make us more beautiful, and maybe even extend our years here on earth. Foods, supplements, and nutritional support are only good if we can absorb them. Most of us go through our whole lives thinking we’re doing what is right, but in the […]
Should You Eat Healthier In 2021?

“Little by little, one travels far.” Attributed to J.R.R. Tolkien [editor’s note – although this is frequently attributed to Tolkien, it is actually a translation of a Spanish proverb.] Every January many Americans make New Year’s resolutions. One study last year found that 38% of people made one or more of them. The most popular resolutions are related to improving health by losing weight and exercising more. While I am all in favor of this, there are certain people for whom healthy eating is more critical than others. As data has shown this past year, people who suffer from obesity, heart disease, or diabetes are in much more danger of […]
Contrology | A New Way To Move

After the frothy eggnog bowl is drained and the last Christmas cookie eaten, the results of neglecting physical activity during the holidays become a reality — a cold one. The New Year brings new beginnings, clean calendars, fresh starts, and a renewed dedication to health and wellness. If you jumped on the scale after holiday splurging, it’s time to weigh your options on how to get moving and burn some calories. I can hear you groaning, but just hear me out. The Dilemma COVID-19 restrictions impacted fitness facilities and numerous sporting events, which forced many to return to basic outside activities such as running, walking, and riding bicycles. The weather […]
New Beginnings and Your Baby’s Health

Infant nutrition is critical for ensuring proper development, maximizing learning capacity, and preventing illness. At no other time in life is nutrition so important. But which foods are best? Breastfeeding has proven to be best for infants for at least the first 3 – 6 months if mom is healthy and eating a nutrient-dense diet. Breastfed babies tend to be more robust, intelligent, and free of allergies and other complaints like intestinal difficulties. Other studies have shown that breastfed infants have reduced rates of respiratory illnesses and ear infections. Some researchers believe breastfed infants have greater academic potential than formula-fed infants; this is thought to be due to the fatty […]
Online Personal Fitness Coaching: Can It Work for You?

Almost out of nowhere, COVID-19 happened upon us and the world has had to learn to pivot. Fast. And here we are, a year later, continuing to learn how to embrace a number of lifestyle modifications. Home-based fitness regimens have become a viable, if not a necessary, option. Many people claim that having a gym membership keeps them accountable for working out once they have committed to sign-up fees and membership dues. And some folks feel that having a workout destination motivates them to get out the door. These are, of course, fair and valid reasons. But times are changing, and many individuals are reconsidering how to navigate the fitness […]
In Transit…

I placed the order on December 10, in plenty of time for delivery by Christmas. It shipped, by First Class Mail for $4.75, on December 11. When it had not arrived a week later, I asked for the tracking number, and then I checked the tracking history each day (see below). For several days the tracking history showed a mysterious message that later disappeared: Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility. My package sat in Florida for 4 days, and then took 10 days to make it to North Atlanta (by mule perhaps?). Once in […]