- Do not put out the new calendar before New Year’s Day
- Open the door at midnight New Year’s Eve so the old year can go out
- Get rid of any old regrets or revenge or debts
- Wear something red on New Year’s Day for good luck and happiness
- Give some of your good clothing to the poor
- Forgive everyone for everything

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At least 2020 is behind us. It’s hard to imagine a more absurd year than we just had. Usually around this time I like to sit around and reflect on the happenings of the last 12 months, but let’s not spend too much time thinking about all that nonsense, unless you were really into binge watching Netflix or working from home in your PJs for months on end. Let’s look forward together. The first part of 2021 may still be hard, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Rather than getting upset about missing out on big holiday gatherings, Super Bowl parties, and other