New Year Superstitions

  1. Do not put out the new calendar before New Year’s Day
  2. Open the door at midnight New Year’s Eve so the old year can go out
  3. Get rid of any old regrets or revenge or debts
  4. Wear something red on New Year’s Day for good luck and happiness
  5. Give some of your good clothing to the poor
  6. Forgive everyone for everything
Picture of Maxine Dexter

Maxine Dexter

Mom (Maxine Dexter) got most of the “New Year’s Superstitions” from her daily devotional and added a few of her own. She is 92 years old, a mother to five, and grandmother/great grandmother to many. She has lived in Aiken since 1953. She worked as a nurse in the operating room at the old Aiken County Hospital. After her retirement from nursing, she and her beloved husband, Art Dexter, devoted their time to a large vegetable garden and to helping others. In Mom’s spare hours, she worked with the adult literacy program, ACTS, hospice, advocating for peace, and numerous other causes. A lifelong gardener, she still spends every morning in the yard, weather permitting, working in her flower gardens. This is her secret to a happy heart.
Picture of Maxine Dexter

Maxine Dexter

Mom (Maxine Dexter) got most of the “New Year’s Superstitions” from her daily devotional and added a few of her own. She is 92 years old, a mother to five, and grandmother/great grandmother to many. She has lived in Aiken since 1953. She worked as a nurse in the operating room at the old Aiken County Hospital. After her retirement from nursing, she and her beloved husband, Art Dexter, devoted their time to a large vegetable garden and to helping others. In Mom’s spare hours, she worked with the adult literacy program, ACTS, hospice, advocating for peace, and numerous other causes. A lifelong gardener, she still spends every morning in the yard, weather permitting, working in her flower gardens. This is her secret to a happy heart.

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