- Do not put out the new calendar before New Year’s Day
- Open the door at midnight New Year’s Eve so the old year can go out
- Get rid of any old regrets or revenge or debts
- Wear something red on New Year’s Day for good luck and happiness
- Give some of your good clothing to the poor
- Forgive everyone for everything

For the Love of Your Dog
It surprised me when I realized I haven’t put a lot of thought into how my dog’s collar and leash fit him. It makes me wonder what else I take for granted… I have a 12-year-old Maltese named Pip (PIP – Pretty Important Puppy). He was supposed to be my daughter’s dog, but ended up mine, and I totally love the little guy. He is usually pretty content to stay right beside me when we walk. He never pulled on the leash, but as he has gotten older, the collar and leash seem a little more challenging. I was introduced to UDogU last month, and I have fallen in love