- Do not put out the new calendar before New Year’s Day
- Open the door at midnight New Year’s Eve so the old year can go out
- Get rid of any old regrets or revenge or debts
- Wear something red on New Year’s Day for good luck and happiness
- Give some of your good clothing to the poor
- Forgive everyone for everything

How to Say the Hard Things
Have you ever been in a situation where you are not sure how to say what needs to be said? Sometimes it’s sympathy for the loss of a loved one or an expression of sadness for an illness or unfortunate occurrence. We know the words, of course, but are they the right ones? Are they the words we would want to hear? Experts say there is no one correct way to express feelings of comfort or sadness, but it is important to convey our good intentions and concern. Many of us do this with a phone call. Finding the right words can be difficult. We want to comfort without intruding.