New Year, New Me

You are not doing this for anyone else — you are doing it for yourself.

New year, new me. That’s what we all say, right?

Well, this year, instead of thinking we are just going to achieve our goals miraculously, why not make this year a little different and make plans for how we will reach our goals. I’m all for shooting high with our goals for 2021 and making it the best year ever. But the only way we can get there is through planning and the motivation and willpower to keep moving forward.

First you have to decide what the end goal is. And you have to have a good solid reason why this goal is important to you. The more valid reasons, the better. Then write the goal down in three places you are going to see every day. This will keep you reminded and focused every day on what you are trying to do to better yourself. Place a copy in your car or at your workspace so that you keep your goal fresh in your mind.

Next, make a reasonable plan on how to reach each goal. Let’s say your goal is to be able to meditate for an hour each day at a given time by the end of the year. You could start the year off in January by meditating for 5 minutes at a time twice a week. Each month, add more time as you slowly reach your goal of a full hour.

This same method can be used for losing weight and working out. Many of us make the mistake of taking on too much right at the start of January. If you want to establish good gym habits and have a regular daily routine, don’t start with the expectation of doing it every day. If you have never had a regular routine of going to the gym or working out, try going to the gym 2 – 3 times a week to start. Once you have done that for a couple of weeks or months, add another day to your schedule. Habits that will stay with you are built slowly.

Finally, you need to have the self-motivation to push yourself to the goals that you want to achieve. You are not doing this for anyone else — you are doing it for yourself. If you set your goals around someone else, it is almost impossible to achieve them. The only person that is stopping you from achieving your goals is you. “It’s mind over matter.” The person that is holding you back is you. Your mind is a powerful place. Point it in one direction with clear steps and see it work.

Once you learn to make stepping-stones to reach your goals, and stay with them, you will be unstoppable.

Picture of Kate Gibson

Kate Gibson

Picture of Kate Gibson

Kate Gibson

In the know

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