Intention Setting for 2021

After a year of twists and turns, many people are eagerly seeking ways to influence 2021 positively. Instead of following strict rules or forcing well-meaning goals, intention setting may be the encouraging answer you seek.

At its most basic definition, an intention is an “aim or plan.” Where resolutions are often rigid rules, intentions are softer guidelines. Being intentional with your day means showing up in the present moment. It means allowing the day to unfold and knowing that, even if speed bumps occur, they won’t rock you out of your boat — your overall intention can still hold true. Medically speaking, intention is “the healing process of a wound.” How perfect! Are you ready to heal old wounds from 2020 and step boldly into your 2021 self? Here’s how you can set a powerful intention for your best year yet!

Think ahead to one year from today. How do you want to feel? What are you doing, thinking, wearing? Allow this image to come alive in your mind. Next, write out potential stepping stones on your path to that feeling or place. Think about where you may need to show up for yourself, set boundaries, take risks, or let things go. There is no right or wrong answer.

When looking at this list of potential steps, what theme starts to emerge? Are you able to summarize them with one word? If so, great — you may have your 2021 intention! If not, let’s dig a little deeper with a few examples.

One year from today, I want to feel free.

To get there, I need to find a better-paying job, a stable relationship, and my own home. All of these items are new. I will set the intention — I welcome new beginnings.

One year from today, I want to feel loved.

To get there, I need to go on dates, chat with new people, and be open to rejection. Because I know others will find me lovable when I find myself lovable, I will set the intention — I am kind and loving toward myself.

One year from today, I want to feel balanced.

To get there, I need to have a support system, to stand up for myself, and to set better boundaries. All of these involve closing energetic leaks and becoming open to receiving. I will set the intention — I show up for myself so I can show up for others.

If you currently feel disconnected or know there is a greater purpose for your life, consider “surrender” as your theme for 2021 with the intention — I am willing to set my ego aside and allow the guidance of the Universe to illuminate my path.

When you come up with your intention for 2021, write it down and place it where you will see it regularly. Practice saying it out loud. Memorize it. Each morning, place your hand over your heart, take a few breaths, and repeat your intention. Notice how it feels in your body — ideally it will feel empowering, expansive, blissful, secure… Allow your intention to act as your guidepost throughout the year. Align your actions and decisions to it and turn to it during any rockiness. Go easy. Play around. Have fun. And open yourself up to your best year yet!

Picture of Lo Bannerman

Lo Bannerman

Lo Bannerman is an intuitive healer, teacher, and mama on a mission to help young families foster mindfulness and nourishment from the start. After struggling in her transition to parenthood, Lo felt called to jump in and help. With a background in nutrition, lactation, and reiki therapy, she guides, nurtures, inspires, and shares an easier journey through parenthood and beyond.
Picture of Lo Bannerman

Lo Bannerman

Lo Bannerman is an intuitive healer, teacher, and mama on a mission to help young families foster mindfulness and nourishment from the start. After struggling in her transition to parenthood, Lo felt called to jump in and help. With a background in nutrition, lactation, and reiki therapy, she guides, nurtures, inspires, and shares an easier journey through parenthood and beyond.

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