Be Humbled

Do you wish to rise?

Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.

~ Saint Augustine

Happy New Year!

Never been one for resolutions. It always felt like I was setting myself up for disappointment by trying to find something worthy enough to make a definitive claim on this great big thing I was going to change or do differently in the coming year. Something impressive enough that I would tell everyone to ensure accountability. Romantic enough that others would be wowed and inspired to make mesmerizing resolutions as well. I would stand on this victorious mountain of ideals, shout it out, and have it be spread throughout this earth, like wish blossom seeds in the wind.

Trying to come up with this fantastic resolution takes effort and planning — why speak it into existence to let fate carry it out? My mind would immediately go into chess mode and start planning the moves required to succeed. Anticipating the push back from the opponent — life. What could go wrong? What could slow me down that I would need to take into account, that I would need to plan for to make sure I kept moving forward? What milestones would I need to meet in order to have worthy progress to report to those cheering me on, holding me accountable?

Needless to say, I spent more time devising than I did starting out. During the planning other ideas would pop up. Things I would want to learn or get better at. Habits that no longer served their purpose in my life, that needed to be kicked. Lists would begin to form. Goals began to take shape. My heels would start to dig it. Yes, the anticipation on what was to come was intoxicating! My tenacious soul would wake and cheer me on — Hell Yes! We are going to do this thing and nobody can stop us!

And then I would ask myself: Do you have any regrets? The answer has always been No. I might regret something for a moment or a brief period of time, but not for very long. I am who I am for all the trials and tribulations I have been through. I rise, get knocked down, and rise again. I embrace every pain and every joy and everything in between, everything that has gotten me to this space. It is just space that we are in. We are not of this world. We will not stay.

After going through the process recounted above, I would quietly sit. Then I would come to the conclusion — this year … I will just keep going. Nothing else … well except gratitude … that I am blessed to be able to do so.

The January 2021 issue has been a special one for me. I hope our contributors, writers, and advertisers will continue to inspire you to #bebetterbebella.

I was humbled in 2020.

And now I rise.

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

In the know

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