Story of Hanukkah

Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights, celebrated to commemorate the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after Judah Maccabee’s victory over the occupying Greek army in 165 BC.

In the land of Judah, ruling Syrian King Antiochus ordered the Jewish population to reject all their religious beliefs and practices and worship Greek gods. For fear of the occupying Greek military that enforced King Antiochus’ decree, some Jews obeyed that command, but the majority chose to rebel against it. Thus were sown the seeds of what would ultimately become the celebration of Hanukkah.

Fights broke out in a village near Jerusalem when Greek soldiers demanded that the Jewish villagers worship the Greek gods and idols and forced them to eat the meat of a pig, both in violation of Jewish Law. The Greeks also asked the Jewish High Priest Mattathias to participate in this sacrilege, but he refused. Upon Mattathias’ refusal, another villager stepped forward to blaspheme in his stead. Outraged, Mattathias slew that recusant villager with his sword and killed the Greek soldier as well.

Mattathias died a year later. Judah Maccabee assumed command of the forces. The rebellion lasted 3 more years, but the fervently motivated Jewish army fought against all odds and eventually triumphed over the Greek army.

Judah Maccabee and his forces went to the Holy Temple left in shambles. When going to light the menorah, they discovered enough oil to sustain the menorah for one night. Miraculously, that oil burned for 8 days, giving them enough time to produce more oil. Hanukkah is an 8-day holiday that commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple and victory over the Greeks. During the 8-day festival, Jewish people light one candle each night.

During my youth, Mom and Dad hosted Hanukkah parties in our Bronx apartment with all our relatives. Mom and Grandma fried latkes (potato pancakes) while we children played dreidel (4-sided top with symbols) and wagered with foil-wrapped chocolate coins. The love and family camaraderie at our Hanukkah celebrations are among my most treasured memories.

Hanukkah usually falls around Christmas, and even as a Jewish child, I loved Christmas time. I knew the words to many Christmas songs and watched Christmas movies on our black and white 12” Dumont television. I have a picture of my brother and me sitting on Santa’s lap at Macy’s. But, alas, I was not allowed to have a Christmas tree at home. Today I joyfully decorate my holiday tree with Hanukkah and Christmas ornaments. I observe my own faith and pure jubilation of Christmas time.

Let’s all have a very happy and healthy holiday season. God watches over all of us regardless of which house of worship we pray to him in.

Picture of Laurie Greene

Laurie Greene

Picture of Laurie Greene

Laurie Greene

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