Gearing Up Your Health in the New Year

2020 isn’t going to win any awards for the difficult and unpredictable year it’s been, with its controversial presidential election, pandemic, economic hardships, racial tensions, and widespread fear and uncertainty about health and quality of life going forward. Thousands have succumbed to a newfound virus called SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) that continues to elude medical doctors and scientists. Many of us found out that we aren’t as healthy as we thought and that we should have been taking better care of ourselves. Looking to the new year, what can we do to help our bodies become stronger and perhaps more resistant to the many pathogens out there? Perhaps […]
A CAUSE FOR Celebration

Appalachians tend to be very independent and content with their lives. They live close to nature and have a deeply held belief in God. They are friendly, kind, and helpful to one another, and they take care of the needs of others. Appalachians also have a strong sense of what is right, and of what ought to be. When I was still working as a nurse, we lived in a small town in western North Carolina. The population was mostly poor and set in their ways. Because they did not take kindly to people from “outside,” it took a long time for me to make friends with our neighbors, who […]

In 2008 I finally figured out that the health problems I had been experiencing for over a year were due to food allergies and sensitivities. There were a number of foods that caused my symptoms, the primary ones being gluten grains (wheat, rye, barley), corn, soy, and milk. I began to feel much better during the summer after I eliminated these foods. During the fall I began thinking about the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday meals that would be coming up. I could not eat the traditional turkey dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, or my mom’s pecan pie. Even the canned cranberry sauce was off-limits for me because it […]
5 Reasons to Use Hemp Oil Supplements for Wellness

Every day, more people are using hemp oil supplements to promote wellness of the mind and body, and it’s easy to see why. The natural phytocannabinoids found in them boost the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is key to maintaining health and wellness. Below are just a few reasons celebrities and professional athletes advocate for this plant-based product, and you should consider including them in your daily routine as well. 1. Relaxation and Focus Everyone has a list of daily responsibilities that may feel overwhelming and add strain to the body, even if you don’t notice it. Many individuals rely on hemp oil supplements as a way to relax without providing […]
Do You Hear What I Hear?

The Senses of the Holidays Every culture has its traditional festivities. Our celebrations, whether weddings, harvest festivals, religious holidays, or national observances, are woven tightly into our overall cultural identity. The sounds of the season are an important part of our celebrations. These sounds put us in the mood as we prepare for our festivities with loved ones. When we drive to the store to purchase gifts or ingredients for the heirloom red velvet cake, there’s holiday music on the car radio. The Salvation Army volunteer rings the bell outside the store. People talk and laugh. Employees, friends, and strangers wave and say, “Happy Holidays!” As we celebrate together, we […]
They Say Necessity is the Mother of Invention

“Our need will be the real creator.” Plato’s Republic, c. 375 BC “The true creator is necessity, who is the mother of our invention.” Jowett’s loose translation, 1894 “I love knives and almost always carry one with me,” he says. He has spent countless hours sharpening his knives but could never achieve the “perfect” edge or replicate the factory edge. But necessity is the mother of invention, they say. “I came up with the idea of The Sharpener’s Edge when one day a picture popped into my head and I drew it on a piece of paper. Then I fabricated it out of metal in my garage. It worked and […]
Americana in Aiken

I drive down a beautiful Southern lane shaded by live oaks and arrive at a small 5 acre family farm. There are chickens, laying hens, in a pen in the front field, and bunnies in a bunny hutch next to the driveway. The setting is pure Americana. In the woods behind the house are a paddock of goats and another pen of “eating” chickens. I am here to learn the story of this family and how The Sharpener’s Edge came to be. Colleen grew up in Westchester County, New York, and trained as an CPA. Jim, an aircraft mechanic, is from Long Island. Jim’s aunt set them up on a […]
‘Tis the Season to Prepare for Your New Year’s Job Hunt

The holidays are a season of hope, but they should also be a season of preparation if you are thinking of changing jobs in the new year. According to, January is the busiest month for job searches, although we typically see hirings begin to ramp up in February. We have found that when you apply for a job — as in, how soon you apply after the job is posted — can decide whether you get selected for an interview. That means you cannot wait until a job is posted to refine your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. We call these your personal brand, and we recommend you […]
How much do you know about employee benefits?

It is the time of year when employees make their benefit selections. Many of them do not know what they are selecting, but next year thousands of dollars will be deducted from their paychecks to pay for benefits they know very little about. Many employees select the lowest premium plan without realizing that it does not cover the spouse’s prescription medications or the child’s therapy. A friend of mine recently came to me for assistance in selecting her family’s benefit plans for next year. She was handed an enrollment form to make her selections and no other information. When I started asking her questions, she could not answer them. There […]
What Should I Do With My Money?

The point is that every person’s situation is unique, and there is hardly ever a cookie cutter answer to the question, “What should I do with my money?” This is the question I hear just about every day of my life. It is an excellent question and can only be answered with another question. Some days the answers in life are simple and other days the complexity of life is beyond our imagination. The answer to this question is somewhere in between. It begins with a couple of simple questions. First of all, what is the purpose of the money you are referring to, and what is the time frame? […]