Be Present

BE editor markHow far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.

– George Washington Carver

The Celebration Issue! To tell you the truth, the final issue of 2020 is quite the celebration here at Bella. We made it through the year with innovation, collaboration, expansion, and a positive outlook on the horizon. We were blessed with the continuing support of advertisers and contributors who not only kept our Bella in print but allowed us to spread our mission wider and farther than ever before.

One of the most exciting things about our final issue of 2020 is that we are ahead of schedule! Our graphic designer reminded us that she worked on the 2019 December issue not only Thanksgiving morning, but on Black Friday as well! Team Bella will be able to celebrate the holidays a little bit more this month!

As we gear up to celebrate the coming of the new year, let us gently remember all that we have been through during 2020 and look upon the year with gratitude for making it through. We have LOL’ed at many memes about 2020. Now that the holidays are upon us, we wish for time to slow down, to adjusting our priorities on taking in the holiday season with a wondering eye at all that surrounds us. Walk a little slower while shopping in one of the many wonderful downtowns in the South, drive a little slower through neighborhoods at night while gazing at the Christmas lights, and sit a little longer at the table enjoying friends and family.

If you are looking to find some Holiday Cheer, check out our Holiday Centerfold. We have the ultimate guide for where to go in the South — from Christmas lights displays and tree farms to ice skating rinks and hotels, you will be sure to have a festive experience. Our own Hopelands Gardens in Aiken, South Carolina is one of the best light displays we have ever seen. If you haven’t see it, you should!

I evaluate myself at the end of every year.

– The Undertaker

The end of the year is a good time to reflect on your business. At this time we want to look back at the year nearly over and plan for the year upcoming. Both of our Bella’s this month contain valuable information.

In our Palmetto edition, Alyson Getchell of Get HR educates us about the top 5 benefits offered by employers and some of  the confusion surrounding them. Real estate is a hot topic right now and Nikki Clingerman, agent with Keller Williams, celebrates low interest rates into 2021. Thomas Herlong of Herlong and Doran Financial Group shares gets asked the question, “What should I do with my money?” almost every day of his life. Check out his insights and answers to this perplexing yet very common question.

In our Aiken edition, Franklin Buchanan of Post Up Careers lets us know “‘Tis the season to prepare for your New Year’s job hunt.” Look for his tips on how freshen up your resume if you are thinking of changing jobs in the new year. Wylie Haislip of True Value Hardware shares 9 Financial Tips from a Wall Street enthusiast as he reflects on his time in the financial world.

If business is not your cup of hot cocoa, the December issues will not disappoint. They are full of stories of celebration, reasons to celebrate, and ways to appreciate life this time of the year. From all of Team Bella, we wish you love, merriment, and endless moments of celebration this holiday season.

Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.
Picture of Ladonna Armstrong

Ladonna Armstrong

Publisher of Aiken Bella Magazine.

In the know

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