What are Telomeres?

Have you ever wondered why some 60-year-olds look and feel like 40-year-olds and why some 40-year-olds look and feel like 60-year-olds? Thousands of studies have been done on aging, and many are beginning to point to an inescapable conclusion: our lifestyle choices, what we eat, and what we don’t eat may actually affect our aging process. The aging process begins at birth. Lifestyle choices made throughout childhood affect our aging process either positively or negatively. What exactly are telomeres and what role do they play in aging? Telomeres are tiny pieces of DNA that are critical to our ability to stay young as we get older. Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, University […]
What’s In the Reflection of the Mirror to Your Soul?

What would I look like if I actually accomplished what I set out to accomplish? I find myself in the midst of a construction project in which others are following my vision. I am mindful of having a vision that is clear enough for others to follow. This requires having a clear picture of the project, drawings even, and having a clear picture of the steps we are going to take to accomplish the vision. That’s my job. But as I thought about writing the vision, a deeper understanding came to me. I was having this thought early in the morning when I walked past the bathroom mirror, and again […]
Horsemanship vs. Humanship | Part II

I am sitting here listening to my horses chewing their hay, enjoying the nice cool morning with a cup of strong and bold black coffee from Schaefer Outfitters. I have so much to share with you folks, but trying to compartmentalize in a logical manner. Let’s chat about positive thinking and visualization today. In addition to being a horseman, judge, trainer, and instructor, I’m also an accomplished hockey and baseball player. I didn’t get there from skill alone though. I learned by watching, listening, and studying those much better than myself. Wayne Gretzky, deemed the best hockey player in the NHL, said that he was not the best, but attributed […]
What’s In Your Wallet? | Thankful for 2020?

You can control both where your assets are invested and who you choose to take advice from. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It is a reminder that regardless of our circumstances, there are always things to be thankful for. One of the most profound messages that I heard two years ago was on the topic of happiness. The speaker had done years of research on the topic, and one of the consistent mainstays of happiness in the people he researched is that they had an attitude thankfulness. There are people whose wallets (or bank accounts) are filled with wealth, but they are miserable; they will gladly tell you about everything […]
Journalism in the Classroom | Traditions

Traditions By Kyleigh Huse and Samantha Tran What traditions does your family have? My family has many traditions but Christmas has the most for sure. My personal favorite tradition is when we get to eat Christmas dinner with the whole family and open Christmas presents. I would imagine this being a common holiday tradition, as I share this with many people. Personally this tradition is my favorite too. My plans wouldn’t change for Christmas would not change. Where I come from my grandma usually prepares Christmas dinner we all go to her house, drink hot chocolate, and open Christmas presents. Another tradition we have is baking cakes, cookies, pumpkin roll, […]
The Nutcracker | An Iconic Christmas Tradition

For many, Peter Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker is a holiday tradition that kicks off the holiday season. When the music starts, you can close your eyes and allow visions of sugarplums, snowflakes, flowers, and an enchanted place enter your imagination. The Nutcracker is based on E.T.A. Hoffmann’s popular 1816 story “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.” The idea to use the story as the basis for a ballet came from the impresario and director of the Russian Imperial Theaters, Ivan Vsevolozhsky, who had conceived of The Sleeping Beauty. Vsevolozhsky and the ballet master Marius Petipa, who had choreographed The Sleeping Beauty, wrote the libretto, or story line, for The Nutcracker and […]
The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires – by Grady Hendrix

Bella Book Club Monthly Selection by Nichole Miller The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires, by Grady Hendrix, provides an unusual combination of classic horror and old Southern charm. Patricia Campbell is a stay-at-home mom who is trying her best to raise her teenage children and care for her senile mother-in-law. Her husband, a psychiatrist, is never home and is little help, and Patricia’s sanity is starting to run thin. After embarrassing herself at the snooty local ladies’ book club, she walks out to find some of the other members forming a new book group where she is introduced to true crime stories and a group of amazing women […]
Overcoming Adversity | An Interview with Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon

It has been a privilege to hold the position as Mayor of Aiken for five years now. Has it been challenging? Absolutely, especially due to COVID-19 affecting our world, our country, our state, and our city. But through adversity come self-evaluation and reflection, which lead to innovation, new ideas, efficiencies, productivity, and opportunities to achieve success. Whether a small business, a large manufacturer, or a city, I want you to know — you will be better, stronger, more profitable, and able to reach and help more people because of the challenges we are currently facing. When Team Bella recently asked me about why I love what I do, I immediately […]
Beyond the Barricade | SRS Ties That Shaped Our Community | Happy Birthday SRS!

This grand lady celebrates her 70th birthday on November 28, 2020. On this date in 1950, President Harry Truman authorized the design, construction, and operation of what was known at the time as the Savannah River Plant. Over the years, the name changed to the Savannah River Site (SRS) but its primary purpose, to keep our nation safe, has never wavered. The brilliance of the early SRS pioneers, who designed and built the facilities that make up SRS, can’t be overstated. With decades of work accomplished within the walls of the early reactors and canyons, these buildings continue to serve our nation. Today, the Site plays a vital role in […]
A Tradition of Women

There is a decades-old tradition among the people of the Hawaiian Islands — among the women specifically, and those of Polynesian descent in particular — to take to their boats and pay tribute to their ancestors in a challenging and meaningful annual event. They race in outrigger canoes between the shores of two islands across wildly open ocean waters. And when they do so, they honor their mothers and grandmothers and all the women who have gone before them, and become an example for all those to come. They use only their own human strength: the power of their arms and backs, their wrists and hands and legs, their will […]