Golf is a Family Tradition | Our Favorite Golf Course is the Palmetto

The first time I saw my boyfriend wearing loud plaid pants with a white belt and a clashing shirt, my thoughts were something akin to, “What a dork.” He is now my husband and his golf attire has evolved to become more sedate. We have been married 40 years. I decided 35 years ago that I would not become a “golf widow” who wonders where her husband is after five (or more) hours. My mother and sisters-in-law knew how to play, so I decided I had better learn or else be left babysitting all of the children on weekends.

At the time, we lived across the street from a golf club. I started with a 9-hole league that played once a week. The golf pro would give us tips and then we would venture forth in our electric carts, two by two. Learning the rules was easier than mastering a good swing, because my father-in-law was a rules official. Even so, he and my hubby would give lots of grace when I was invited to play with them. Scrambles were my favorite because I did not have to depend on my own skills for an entire match but could save the day with a good putt.

Play became more serious when we visited my in-laws in Aiken and spent the afternoon at the Woodside Country Club. It is a lovely golf community with two 18-hole courses, an extensive practice facility, and a par 3 course. We became good friends with our parents’ neighbors and looked forward to Easter vacation there. Our children enjoyed playing on the par 3 course with grandma while the men hit balls on the range.

In addition, we were sure to get a new golf shirt each year as a present, and of course had to invest in cleated shoes and maintain a supply of fresh golf balls. Heaven forbid if I bought the pretty Easter egg colored balls that were designed for ladies! I was given my own set of clubs one Mother’s Day, and they lasted 30 years. Then my hubby decided I needed a Big Bertha Driver, and soon I was the proud owner of a whole new set of Callaway Solaris clubs with a matching golf bag.

When we are lucky enough to go to the Masters Tournament, I dream of hitting a great shot like the professionals. That is not going to happen, but watching them gives me a glimpse of the real beauty in a game of golf.

South Carolina has a number of picturesque and challenging courses, including over 70 of them in Myrtle Beach alone! But the best place of all is the Palmetto Golf Club in Aiken, the second oldest continuously operated 18-hole course in the country. My father-in-law was given a membership by his loving wife 30 years ago. The annual Devereux/Milburn Tournament became a father/son event with two days of golf. Or maybe it was three days including a practice round. No women played in the tournament, but the cocktail party and award ceremony at the end of play on Sunday was a big shebang.

My hubby took me there to play 9 holes last month. We have been getting out to play once a week with a feeling of being safe outdoors. We were greeted with all the southern hospitality that fills me with joy. It had been five years since we had a chance to play there, but hubby kept his out-of-state membership with the hope of reliving his years of enjoyment there. I was in awe of the meticulously groomed fairways and glassy smooth greens. Then I tried to putt. Oh my, but the speed and undulations were wicked to me. It was probably the first time it has ever taken me four putts to sink a ball. There was one hole where the ball kept rolling back down to me; I finally picked it up and placed it a foot from the flag. No, that is not kosher, but we play for fun and not frustration.

After two hours we felt as though we had traveled back in time together. Naturally we visited the pro shop for some mementos, in the form of a golf shirt and putter cover.

I would dearly love to continue the tradition of generational golf with our daughters. They have not had much time for the game, but their husbands may encourage them to play soon. The discovery of Topgolf has led some of them to what looks and feels like a practice range. It has some high tech features, so I will have to give it a try. It may not be a walk in the park like most courses that are filled with trees, flowers, and sand traps, but it may be more to my liking as there are no water hazards to swallow my favorite Easter colored golf balls.

Picture of Kimberly Cordell

Kimberly Cordell

Kimberly Cordell is a retired school teacher, freelance writer, and blogger of “Sparkling Water With A Twist.” She resides in Charleston, South Carolina, with her husband.
Picture of Kimberly Cordell

Kimberly Cordell

Kimberly Cordell is a retired school teacher, freelance writer, and blogger of “Sparkling Water With A Twist.” She resides in Charleston, South Carolina, with her husband.

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