Meet Robert Atkins

Artwork © Robert Atkins, used with permission.

Sometimes we are unaware of the things that drive us to persevere and rise above our surroundings. When I sat down with Robert Atkins, a local artist, he began by telling me about his pieces of art and what he does. As he talked on, I began to realize that the real story of his art lies not in his masterpieces themselves but in what was behind the scenes. It wasn’t until late into our interview that I brought his attention to the fact that his art seemed to be the one thing in his life that was always there, pushing him along, allowing him to overcome his life circumstances, his hardships, and his poverty-ridden background.

“Believe in the value of you.” – Robert Atkins

Robert Atkins is originally from Pensacola, Florida, but now resides in the Augusta area with his wife Jackie. When asked about the many moves and travels he made throughout life, he maintained that he has lived in many places, some that he doesn’t want to forget, and some he wishes he didn’t remember.

When Robert was young, he recounts a time when his parents didn’t have enough money to purchase things like art supplies.

“Art was a gift and a saving grace. Let me tell you about art. Art is a gift from God. It was a saving grace after my mother passed. It was what kept me out of jail as a young man. I started drawing at 5 years old. When I said that it was a gift, I wasn’t drawing stick figures at five, I was drawing recognizable pictures. We always had a roof over our head, but money for art supplies — mom and dad wouldn’t have it. My first paint set was black and white shoe polish and the brushes were out of a paint-by-number paint set. I took the black and white shoe polish and made all shades of gray. My mom was so proud she wanted to show someone. It was always a place in my past where someone believed in me.”

Art was the one thing Robert says he did purely for himself. And because it was something that he did that brought him joy, he kept it a secret and never told anyone about it. He remembers art being the thing that, when the day’s chaos started to drift away, he would take out secretly to enjoy.

Being somewhat of a shy introvert, he spent a lot of time alone with his art; he maintains that it was a huge part of his life. When his mother passed away, Robert was just 13 years old, and that is when art became more than something he just dappled in. He promised her that he would never be a “jail house artist,” and was bound and determined to keep that vow. If those same artists had put the energy into their creativity instead of into what led them to prison, it might have saved their futures. It is that premise that drove Robert to promise his mother that he would become a professional artist, and true to his word, he did.

When Robert was a sophomore in high school, the nation was going through racial tension and segregation, so there was a whole lot of chaos. As an African American, he was torn by all the events going on in the South. But it was art that he believes grounded him; the love of art kept him from “getting into things that I shouldn’t have.”

He crossed paths with one of his greatest mentors by accident while still in high school.

“I was walking this girl home past a very well-known artist. The art shop belonged to John Kim, an artist from the Gulf Coast. He was selling art but was struggling. He asked me whether I was interested in helping. So I went to work for him cleaning up his studio. One day he asked me, ’You like art? Why don’t you bring me some of your art,’ and he saw my talent. He couldn’t pay me much. I was in junior high and didn’t need a lot of money, but it was money. And it was through him that I learned a lot of different techniques and art opened up to me and I didn’t have to pay for it. I would get into a lot of classes at the college that the ‘well-to- do kids could afford,’ but I got in because I was talented and I had a love of art. Kim would give me a piece of pastel paper and tell me to take it home with me and start working on it. I couldn’t take handouts, and he knew it, so he would take pieces and tell me it was too small to use. He couldn’t pay me what someone else would have asked for, but what he paid me was well more valuable.”

Another great influencer was Skip, a man he also met in high school.

“In high school my art teacher’s name was Skip Maps, but his real name was George. When he saw what I did, he was blown away. I didn’t see it, but he helped me to see my talent. All through high school he fostered my talent and pushed me.”

Before that, in junior high, he admired John Bane, his 7th grade teacher.

“Mr. Bane was unreal. He was the first real professional artists that I had ever seen. He told me if I didn’t do my best, he would tear it up in my face, and I saw him tear other things up. He also said ‘I will give you one F for that and you better get out of here.’ I never wanted to hear that. He never told me he would give me one A, but the F was enough. It was during a time when I needed some guidance. It kept us in line.”

After high school, Robert was awarded a scholarships to attend Marshall Texas in both academics and athletics. He attended college for art and business management. Instead of choosing the athletic scholarship, he decided not to rely on his physical talents, but rather to foster his intellect and challenge himself in a way that would bring about great personal growth. After college he went into the Marine Corps for a term of four years.

During his time in the Marines, he witnessed what he called SEE, or significant emotional events. When describing his time in the military, Robert added,

“It was a growth process that I believe every man should have to do some time in the military because it gives them guidance, accountability, and you really learn about how to believe in yourself. People don’t believe in anyone else’s values because they don’t believe in their own.”

After the Marines he moved back to Florida and started his life, got married, and started to build his family. His first job, along with many subsequent others throughout his career path, was in management. No matter what type of job he began, it always seemed to guide him into a management role.

Several years after his divorce from his first wife, Robert reconnected with a high school friend, and after several years of carrying on a long-distance relationship, they wed. His wife Jackie was offered a nursing job at Fort Gordon, and that is when he decided to make his move and propose. When asked whether he got on his knees to ask, he said,

“No, I didn’t get on my knees… I have bad knees. But she accepted and moved to take the job at Fort Gordon and that is how we ended up going to Augusta.”

Robert and his wife still reside in Augusta, Georgia, where his studio is located, and he is still creating his art.

Robert Atkins is the epitome of someone who rose above what was expected. He never took the easy way out or a handout. A self-made man, he overcame many obstacles and chose the love of art over the many bad influences that surrounded him growing up. He is a true icon in the Augusta area, and if you have the chance, stop in and look at all the miraculous things he creates that enrich the lives around us.

Picture of Julie Keating

Julie Keating

A writer by trade, and a mother of six, Julie Keating joins Bella as the Digital Director. When she was growing up in the midwest, Southern girls fascinated her. The way that they sauntered around, the sweet tones that came from their mouths, and the effortless way that they made even the most cutting phrases sound charming were all mystifying. Now that she lives in the South, Julie sees that there is something so much more underneath “Bella.” Bella isn’t about being from a certain area or having an accent; it is the way that a woman carries herself with grace and confidence, the way she uses her femininity in such a way that she commands respect.
Picture of Julie Keating

Julie Keating

A writer by trade, and a mother of six, Julie Keating joins Bella as the Digital Director. When she was growing up in the midwest, Southern girls fascinated her. The way that they sauntered around, the sweet tones that came from their mouths, and the effortless way that they made even the most cutting phrases sound charming were all mystifying. Now that she lives in the South, Julie sees that there is something so much more underneath “Bella.” Bella isn’t about being from a certain area or having an accent; it is the way that a woman carries herself with grace and confidence, the way she uses her femininity in such a way that she commands respect.

In the know

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