Greatest Generation – First Person Account | Sunset for Block Island

The USS Block Island (CVE-21), a “baby flattop” aircraft carrier, was struck by 3 torpedoes in the middle of the night of May 29, 1944. Once the order to abandon ship was given, Warren was responsible for locating and securing all classified communications in a safe, in the pitch dark — the power had gone out — before he could leave the sinking ship. The story continues in his words … We paddled to the destroyer Ahrens, which was standing by taking on survivors from the ship. On the way, we heard a loud roar and saw that the destroyer escort Barr had its fan-tail (the back of the ship) […]
Restless Morning

My daughter, Laura, left in early January this year to fly to Seattle to take a new job. It was exciting for her — a new opportunity in a new city. For me, not so much. I was feeling left behind. January 2020 was the beginning of a new year and a new decade. TIME passing — that’s what I saw and felt. Time passing, getting older. No way to stop that. My great grandfather, Rasselas Smith Mowry, knew that feeling and he left lots of stuff behind — maybe as a way for him to stop time. A box left in an attic contained yearly journals, photographs of his […]