What’s Next?

What’s next has many answers, but they fall into two categories: the areas beyond our control, and those that we can control. We can control our planning and who will help us make good decisions.

Have you heard that pain is often beneficial? When we stop and realize this, awe know that it makes sense. I’m not sure about how you feel, but most of us do not like pain and will go to a lot of effort to avoid it.

There are many situations in which we are dealing with the hurt of pain and we pray to have it taken away, but long-term, we are better off having endured the experience. Obviously, physical pain directs us to seek medical attention that could discover a problem that would only have gotten worse.

As a financial advisor, there have been multiple times that I have met with clients and discussed personal and family matters that were painful, as evidenced by the tears in their eyes. However, dealing with the pain made my clients make the necessary changes to improve their future.

Currently, we are dealing with the pain of the coronavirus and the effect that it has on families — parents who must stay at home with their children and quit their jobs — adult children who cannot visit their parents in the nursing home — the increased loneliness many elderly experience because they cannot have visitors.

One of our clients, a law firm, told me that they have seen a significant increase in divorce cases. Suicide and drug addiction have increased dramatically. These are just a few results of mental pain.

The reality is, we must accept the fact that change is a part of life that we cannot control. However, we should find the best way to deal with what we can control.

I am writing this article from the perspective of a financial advisor, but I cannot avoid discussing the impact that our mental perspective has on our financial well-being. When we live in fear, we do not have the clarity to make good financial decisions for our current and future needs. At the same time, we must take into account the impact of change that affects us both personally and collectively.

Last month, I wrote about the importance of preparing for future changes in the tax laws. The outcome of the election can certainly impact this issue sooner rather than later. Other than your one vote, can you control the outcome of the election? Obviously not, but you can control how you prepare for the impact on your financial security.

What’s next?

You need to ask what the impact will be on yourself and on your family. How will it impact your financial security?

If you are reading this article, there is a high probability that you are no longer in school. As an adult, there are times in life that you must make adult decisions and seek wisdom and guidance. There are many things in life significantly more important than money, but you have your head in the sand if you do not acknowledge the impact of financial matters on your life.

What is the price for peace of mind?

None of us will live forever — that’s the cold, hard truth. But as long as we are breathing, preparing for what’s next should be taken very seriously. I’m planning for a wonderful life with my loving wife. Does that mean it will happen? By the time you read this article, I hope that we can be watching college football, and I absolutely plan to watch it. But the truth is, I have no voice as to whether or not they will be playing.

What’s next has many answers, but they fall into two categories: the areas beyond our control, and those that we can control. We can control our planning and who will help us make good decisions. We cannot control what happens in life beyond our decisions, but only how we respond and deal with it.

Wisdom is one of the most valuable gifts of life. The Bible states that wisdom is more valuable than gold. Make the decision to seek wisdom and plan accordingly.

Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group
Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group

In the know

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