Dairy Sensitivity and Dairy Substitutes

When she was first at college, my daughter came home and told me a friend of hers at college was sensitive to dairy. She was interested in learning what she might have instead of milk and other dairy products.

What are the potential problem components of dairy?

Most people who have a dairy allergy or sensitivity are reactive to either the proteins in dairy or the milk sugar, lactose. Lactose intolerance is very common in adults and can be identified by a lab test. Dairy has a number of proteins that may cause allergies or sensitivities, the two most common being casein and whey. There is a less common protein called butyrophylin as well. I personally am sensitive to both whey and butyrophylin, so I have been eating mostly dairy-free for a while.

Do you or a family member suspect dairy may be causing some of your digestive or other symptoms? How do you find out? You can pay for a lab test, but you can also find out by elimination and then reintroduction.

Start by eliminating all dairy-containing products for at least three weeks. Since milk is one of the major food allergens, all food products with labels are required to list it. Don’t eat anything containing milk, cheese, or butter.

After three weeks you can begin to add back dairy into your diet to see whether you have any reactions. First start by eating some butter a couple of times during the day along with your other regular food. Make a note of any symptoms that your feel on that day or the next day. If you do not feel any symptoms, then eat some cheese on the second day after that. Again, make note of any symptoms. Keep following this process by introducing yogurt, and finally, milk. If you feel symptoms at any point, then eliminate all dairy for at least one more month and try the reintroduction process again.

I have some symptoms; can’t I just eat a little?

If you do not have symptoms with butter, then it is probably safe for you to eat it. Butter does not contain lactose, and it has almost no proteins. Most cheeses do not have lactose, so cheese and butter are fine for those with a lactose intolerance. Yogurt and lactose-free milk may also be fine for those with a lactose intolerance.

If you allergic to any of the proteins (casein, whey, or butyrophylin), you should avoid all dairy. If dairy proteins are creating an immune response in your body (immunoglobulins IgE, IgG, IgA), this can put you at risk for a number of autoimmune disorders including celiac disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Crohn’s disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes.

What are some substitutes for dairy?

Fortunately these days there are numerous substitutes for all forms of dairy. Instead of butter I use either olive oil or coconut oil. If you want a sweet taste, then virgin coconut oil is great to use. If you need something that is neutral, refined coconut oil or avocado oil are best. Extra virgin olive oil is excellent for savory uses.

There are cheese substitutes made from soy, cashews, and tapioca. I like Daiya cheese substitute, which is made from tapioca; Daiya makes mozzarella and cheddar flavors. There are non-dairy milks made from soy, rice, cashew, hemp, almond, or my favorite — coconut. There is even a coconut milk “nog,” a substitute for eggnog. There are ice cream substitutes made from soy, almonds, cashews, rice, or coconut. My favorite non-dairy brand is “So Delicious” because it seems to have the fewest problematic additives. These products are increasingly available at major grocery stores. I find many of them at Kroger and Fresh Market in Aiken, and there are even wider selections at Trader Joe’s and Sprouts in Augusta.

With a little bit of planning, dairy allergies and sensitivities can be easily managed. If you need help determining whether you might have a food sensitivity, please call me for a free 20-minute phone consultation.

Try this yummy dairy-free ranch dressing.

Ranch Dressing

  • 1/2 cup avocado mayonnaise
  • 3 tbsp coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp fresh thyme
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp ground pepper

Add coconut milk and spices to a small food processor or blender. Process until smooth. Stir in mayonnaise. Enjoy as a salad dressing or veggie dip!

Picture of Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock’s eclectic background includes degrees in vocal performance, finance and nutrition. She worked as the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at USC Aiken for 25 years before beginning her nutrition career. Her writing has appeared online at TheMighty.com, in addition to a monthly nutrition column for Aiken’s Bella Magazine. You can read more of Ginger’s articles about food, nutrition, faith and personal finance at her blog www.GingerHudock.com.
Picture of Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock’s eclectic background includes degrees in vocal performance, finance and nutrition. She worked as the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at USC Aiken for 25 years before beginning her nutrition career. Her writing has appeared online at TheMighty.com, in addition to a monthly nutrition column for Aiken’s Bella Magazine. You can read more of Ginger’s articles about food, nutrition, faith and personal finance at her blog www.GingerHudock.com.

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