The New Normal

It’s August now. Which means back to — back to school, back to work, and back to life. Well, kind of. We are going back, but to what exactly? We all have a “new normal” we are going back to. It is so interesting to see everyone, including myself, change to these new routines. We all have a new normal, essentially, and now we are all adjusting to all the changes. To be honest, I am still a little sad about the new normal that we have. I miss being able to hug my friends and go inside restaurants without a mask. Though it is very hard not to be […]
Be Open

“If we open our eyes, our minds and our hearts, we will find that this world is a magical place.” ChÕgyam Trungpa The August issue of Bella magazine is the second annual “Back to…” issue. We first published the Back to Bella issue in 2019 with thoughts of back to school, back to business, back to life — a return from the summer. This year everything is different. Yes, there is a back to, a return to these mile markers; however, back to normal is not on the horizon. We have a new normal that we will be returning to. Schools are finalizing their schedules. Some students will be returning […]