Beyond the Barricade | SRS Ties That Shaped Our Community | Part 7

Celebrating 70 Years | Beyond the Barricade | Aiken Bella Magazine

When Tambra Wilkerson graduated with a degree in electronic engineering, she never imagined she would start a nonprofit and don boxing gloves on a regular basis in Aiken, South Carolina.

It is plain and simple — Tambra Wilkerson is a fighter. Although she came to the area to support an important Savannah River Site (SRS) mission, she realized a calling in her heart to help others in a unique way. Now, she spends her days fighting to improve the lives of individuals who have a debilitating disease such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or multiple sclerosis, and the results of her program have garnered attention.

Individuals who are living with these diseases, as well as those recovering from a stroke, can realize a greater level of empowerment through high-intensity, non-contact boxing and other targeted exercises. By attending Day One Fitness, these “fighters” challenge their diagnoses head-on and fight to take their lives back. Tambra and her team fight alongside them, and together, quality of life and hope are restored.

Tambra’s journey as a therapeutic boxing coach is an unusual one. A native of Dallas, Texas, she has worked around the country while raising six children. She had the opportunity to consult at SRS and quickly found a sense of community in Aiken. Tambra knew this is where she wanted to settle down with her children, and she took a permanent position in 2011.

She credits her company, Savannah River Remediation (SRR), with giving her the opportunity to form meaningful connections in the community. She always participated in the United Way’s Project Vision and Project Care Days of Giving Back. As an engineering manager, she was a frequent guest speaker at local schools to explain how high-level liquid waste was safely treated. She worked to recruit recent engineering graduates and served as a mentor to new employees.

Tambra first learned about therapeutic, non-contact boxing while reading a magazine article. She was fascinated by the possibility that high-intensity exercise could improve the quality of life for a Parkinson’s patient. The program is designed to strengthen one’s physical abilities and mental focus. She wanted to be involved and looked for a similar type of gym in the area. When she found that there wasn’t one, she decided she would start one in the community she had come to love.

The first couple of years were very busy as she maintained her SRR position and ran the gym. She said, “I was teaching classes early in the morning because that was best for those coming to the gym. I had great bosses who worked with my schedule to allow me the flexibility to do both.” After long discussions with her fiancé, Steve Wilkerson, they agreed that when they married, Tambra would leave SRR to devote time to the gym.

Beginning Day One Fitness had nothing to do with money and everything to do with giving back to people who have been affected by disease. Tambra says, “We give our fighters more than exercise. They know this is “their” gym, where they can come for comradery and specific work to help them regain what they have lost.” She explains that some need help on fine motor skills. These individuals shy away from going out to dinner because they can’t cut their meat. Others may be embarrassed to leave their homes because they can’t zip their pants without help. Day One Fitness has an assortment of activity boards with locks, latches, and other common household items that help hone fine motor skills.

Day One Fitness also provides caregivers a respite and an opportunity to have fun with their loved ones. Some may act as the “cornerman” or encourager when their loved one is boxing. Other times they may join their loved one in a ballroom or line dance class. Dancing helps an individual work on balance and agility focus. Tambra explains, “We engage the caregiver to help them too. They have a long journey ahead of them, and we help them find fun with their partner again.”

Day One Fitness continues to grow with a wide variety of exercise programs and opportunities for helping others. The gym recently received a grant from Clemson Coach Dabo Swinney’s Dabo’s All in Team Foundation. The grant allows Tambra to start a Fall Prevention Program for our area. She said, “This is a program that we could also conduct in other places such as memory care centers or church halls. Falls can have serious effects on seniors, and we can help them improve their balance.”

“Obviously we can’t cure any disease here, but we can use targeted exercises to help improve a person’s quality of life. We find that their overall mood and outlook on life is improved in just a few weeks.”

Tambra is grateful to her friends at SRS who donate regularly to her nonprofit. Last year, SRS contributions were over $16,000. She is also grateful for the support of her husband Steve, who works for Savannah River Nuclear Solutions. He not only provides financial support for their family but also serves on the Board of Directors of Fighting to Win, the nonprofit that owns and operates Day One Fitness. According to Tambra, it is thanks to Steve that she can devote her focus full-time to this organization.

When asked what the future holds, Tambra smiles. “At one point, I won’t be the Head Coach here anymore, but I won’t totally walk away. I have a passion to tell our story and to make sure the progress we are seeing is sustainable for our community and the fighters who benefit from our program.”

Tambra’s story is proof that a call-to-action can come from the most unexpected places, but following that call can have improved quality of life outcomes for the citizens in our community. Lucky for us, Tambra followed her heart and sank her roots here with a fighter’s spirit and determination to help others.

Do you want to donate for the fight against Alzheimer’s, dementia, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease? Call 706.799.9506 or email [email protected] for more information.

Picture of Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie is an active community volunteer. She retired from SRNS in 2013 and enjoys Aiken year around with her husband, Charlie.
Picture of Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie Hansen

Lyddie is an active community volunteer. She retired from SRNS in 2013 and enjoys Aiken year around with her husband, Charlie.

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