Facts for Life in 2020

One thing is for certain in life — it goes on.

Whether or not a vaccine makes our world safer again, life goes on. The past months have been a wake-up call that demonstrates how little we really control. We all have hopes and dreams for the future, but we are all impacted by current conditions that affect our lifestyle, our workplace, and most definitely our finances.

Since the last issue of Bella, we have seen some of the worst and best weeks in market returns. How much of that were you able to control? Unless there is something I am not aware of, the only control that you have is where your money is invested.

Market volatility and the coronavirus have had no impact on the need for good planning. The reality is that we are responsible for our future. A few years ago, I heard a profound statement that maturity is not age-related, and this flows over to into several categories. True maturity is related to taking action based on what needs to be done rather than on what you feel like doing.

We can’t relive the past, but we can decide on actions we will take for our future. There are numerous issues that will impact our financial security in the days ahead. Negotiations with China, our national debt, the coronavirus impact, the time frame of states and communities returning to full production, and numerous other issues will affect financial stability.

“Begin with the end in mind” — these are famous words of Stephen Covey. Ask yourself, “Am I going to be okay?” Life is not certain (at least while we are living). If life has handed you lemons, then choose to make a lemon pie.

There are three things that motivate us to act.

1. Prevent or eliminate a problem.

2. Take advantage of an opportunity.

3. Complete a task.

Facts for Life in 2020 | Aiken Bella Magazine

I am intrigued by how the brain works. These three things provide satisfaction to the brain. Our brains want safety and prefer that which is known. Our actions are often based on satisfying the comforts of the brain without regard to whether they are good decisions. But life is constantly changing and we need to use the knowledge of financial tools and appropriate planning and products to create safety and security for our financial well-being.

Every month Bella publishes news and pictures that are different from the month before. Allow the facts of change to impact you with positive action — the choice is yours, and help is available.

Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group
Picture of Thomas Herlong

Thomas Herlong

Thomas H Herlong, CLU, ChFC, CLTC: General Partner, Herlong & Doran Financial Group

In the know

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