4 Lessons I Learned From an Unexpected Diagnosis

“Mrs. Hudock, you have a number of heart abnormalities.” The cardiologist was speaking to me after he had viewed my first echocardiogram. “The right side of your heart is severely enlarged. You have several valves that are leaking. You may have pulmonary hypertension. You may have atrial fibrillation and you may have a hole in your heart.”

WHAT? I could not believe I was hearing this. I am a nutritionist and eat an almost perfect whole foods diet. I have low blood pressure and low cholesterol. I exercise all the time. I can’t be having heart problems.

But I was.

I had begun having heart palpitations that were increasing in length and frequency. I was also tired all the time. Because I had previously been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and low adrenal status, I chalked my symptoms up to poorly functioning hormones for a number of years.

I would have ignored these symptoms altogether had it not been for my friend Carolyn, who is a personal trainer at South Aiken Physical Therapy. I had recently begun seeing her to help with my workouts. Carolyn had suffered a heart attack a few years ago while leading an exercise class. She had no previous history of heart problems and so her heart attack was a total surprise. Because of her experience, Carolyn was acutely aware that subtle symptoms can sometimes be a clue to a serious condition.

“Ginger, you shouldn’t ignore these symptoms,” Carolyn exclaimed. “These could indicate a problem with your heart.” Following her recommendation, I made an appointment with a cardiologist.

This was the start of a six-month search to identify the cause of my symptoms. I saw three different cardiologists plus a pulmonologist. I had numerous medical tests and three different cardiac procedures. Along the way, the doctors determined that I did not have pulmonary hypertension. But I did have atrial fibrillation and a congenital atrial septal defect.

Who gets diagnosed with a congenital heart condition in her 50s? Me.

I learned so much over that nine month ordeal. Some of this may encourage you, the reader.

1. Sometimes our bodies are broken in ways that can’t be fully repaired and that is okay.

I had an ablation that successfully stopped the A-fib. The next month an Amplatzer device was inserted; it successfully repaired the atrial septal defect. My right heart is back to normal size but several of my valves still have leakages. All of these may or may not get worse over time. I am also at risk for future complications such as a recurrence of atrial fibrillation, pulmonary hypertension, or stroke, even with a repaired ASD. All humans have limitations in our lives. Learning about, and even embracing, those limitations can help us to become all we are meant to be.

2. Great nutrition and exercise are the best foundation for dealing with any condition.

I had been eating a highly nutritious diet with lots of plants and minimal processed foods for ten years. I was also taking appropriate supplements and was exercising three or more times per week. These factors helped me to handle the multiple procedures with little downtime and minimal side effects. If you are unsure of the best way of eating or exercising for your condition, consult with a professional nutritionist or trainer for help.

3. I am learning to be as intentional as possible and have gratitude for each day.

I have always been an action-oriented person and thought my life would be great if I made the right choices. After the first cardiologist visit, the illusion of control was taken from me. I had to wait days or weeks for each new doctor’s appointment, each new test, each new procedure. I now understand that today is the only day we are promised. I have focused on figuring out what is most important and then being intentional about using my time. On days when I do not feel as well and can’t be so active, I read a novel I have been wanting to read instead of worrying about what I did not accomplish. I am incredibly blessed to have a husband who was with me through every doctor’s visit, test, and procedure. I strive to show him my love and gratitude every day.

4. I am continuing to help others using the gifts I have been given.

Congenital or chronic health conditions do not seem like gifts, but they can be. Take what you have learned from your health challenges to help other people. I was already helping people through my nutrition counseling and writing. Discovering my congenital heart defect has only increased my desire to serve others.

When you or a family member get an unexpected diagnosis, lean into it. Learn all you can about the condition and the self-help measures you can take, such as healthier eating and exercising. Look for the good intentionally, and be grateful for that in your life. Use what you learn to help others. Then you will be able to thrive through your unexpected health challenge.

Picture of Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock’s eclectic background includes degrees in vocal performance, finance and nutrition. She worked as the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at USC Aiken for 25 years before beginning her nutrition career. Her writing has appeared online at TheMighty.com, in addition to a monthly nutrition column for Aiken’s Bella Magazine. You can read more of Ginger’s articles about food, nutrition, faith and personal finance at her blog www.GingerHudock.com.
Picture of Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock

Ginger Hudock’s eclectic background includes degrees in vocal performance, finance and nutrition. She worked as the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at USC Aiken for 25 years before beginning her nutrition career. Her writing has appeared online at TheMighty.com, in addition to a monthly nutrition column for Aiken’s Bella Magazine. You can read more of Ginger’s articles about food, nutrition, faith and personal finance at her blog www.GingerHudock.com.

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